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About Inbyfly

  • Birthday 10/27/1991


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    A Little bit of love

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  1. it is indeed really beautiful there i've been 3 times and enjoyed every second. and to think he was only 3 hours from where i live not the same country but still 3 hours away lol
  2. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wThNFNJ7X7M a brief view on the place. that's not his blog but it's more or less what he was up to
  3. it was technically impossible. my cousin got married the night before (which was yesterday). already had the tix and everything, when my parents decided to cancle as we couldn't have made it either way. just bad timing, nothing else. nothing but wrong timing
  4. :shocked::shocked: *faints* he's coming to the Dead sea! omg! I'm soooooooooo going to see him!!! this is an opportunity of a life time, cause i don't think he will ever come to Israel (at least not in the following year and that comes from his own manager) and this is so freaking close!!! lol only 3 hours away!!! i cannot believe this! now all i have to do is to make my parents renew our visas. it kinda frights me though because we'll have to pass the border from Israel to Jordan but i just asked my mom and she said israelis can do that very easily and all you gotta have is visa and a passport and it only takes 5 minutes. jeez i got all excited now
  5. What's In Your Pockets? Umm, far too little money and embarrassingly, some designer condoms that were just handed to me at Agnes B. condoms?
  6. hehe Sivan! I was just about to post this anyway, cheers to us! Mika is definitely rulling our little country
  7. what was this thing with mika rubbing the interviewer's belly? i didn't catch what they said
  8. love this thread so this is me: - 16 year old israeli female - my name's Inbar, but most of my friends call me Inby from about 6th grade - currently still in school - my mom's originally from Iraq and my dad is from Poland, love being mixed! - i have OCD. when i found out that Mika has it too i nearly fell off my chair lol it kind of got me feeling attached and close to him in a way. like we're together on this. gosh, i sound stupid. i better stop - my biggest dream is to see Mika LIVE (one day) i doubt if it's ever gonna happen - Future planns before Mika: getting married, and having 2 kids. Future planns after Mika: moving to London, getting married and having 2 kids. lol geez, my life's boring
  9. WOW! how amazing is that?? you really are talented
  10. didn't know he liked beer does he drink alcohol, besides that? nice interview by the way! thanks for sharing
  11. but.. didn't he say he didn't like swimming? i know he hates water, fish, swimming and anything that has to do with those.
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