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Everything posted by mikasbestfriend

  1. :shocked:Wow. I can't balieve it's been two years! Well done us!! I hope we're not entering the terrible twos though:roftl: Nah its going to be a good year.
  2. I tried to draw Mika before but it came out looking more like James Blunt:shocked: It was horrible and i've never tried since.
  3. Hello:bye: Sammy it's your birthday!? HAPPY BIRTHDAY!! Oh and congrats on whats happening with that boy. I hope it works out for you:wink2: How is everyone?
  4. Hey people, I was just wandering, cos I saw this picture of Rob in just his *ahem* underwear, but I dont know if its actually real or if someone had just stuck his head on someone elses body. Is there actually pictures of him like that? But it is a VERY nice picture:das: Oh and another thing, when i was in town today I found this unofficial Rob biography! I really wanted to get it but my friend wouldnt let me.
  5. I got the Twilight soundtrack today:naughty: Im such a nerd. I've just finished reading Twilight the other day in about a week which my friend thaught was very quick but then it turned out my other friend read it in about a day:lol3:. I just started New Moon this morning but i dont want to read it too quickly. I love it though:wub2:
  6. Yeah it was. There was 7 of us all wandering round town:lol3: It was mad. I'm listening to my CD right now:wub2:
  7. Hello! Im good, how are you? I've been into town today shopping! Woohoo! I got the Twilight soundtrack:naughty:
  8. Wow there's a lot of thread's for Twilight and Rob and stuff isnt there. I love Edward:wub2: I really need to start ready New Moon, but not too quickly. I finished Twilight in less than a week. I can't wait untill the next film. Is it too early to say that?
  9. Part 19:shocked:... ...I'll go now. I'm only here by accident, i swear.
  10. Oh I have to go. I'll remember the word by tomorrow, but probably forget it again. Oh well. bye xx
  11. Oh I just realised there's an arrow pointing at it too:boxed:. And I thaught I was ...**** i just forgot the word. I'll tell you when I remember.
  12. Hello! Is anyone here? How was everyones Christmas? I havn't been on here for like 5 days! I missed you girls so much!
  13. Hello again. Happy Christmas eve or Christmas to whoever it is. (that makes no sence at all:boxed:). I'm going now. Bye girls xxx
  14. Thanks guys =/ It doesnt matter. She hates me now. Theres nothing I can do. I'm gonna go. Bye girls xxx
  15. I dont know:( Plus i've got my best friend shouting at me to stop talking to her and I dont even know what i've dont:tears:
  16. :sneaky2:I dont like the look of that either. I hope they can stop it.
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