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Everything posted by sillyjody

  1. hahahha he's soooo cute! i think i've seen that interview... is that the one in poland? where he gives mika champagne? i have so many questions to ask mika when he comes back to the states!
  2. hahaha no wonder mika is friends with him, mika loves borat! doesn't he?...
  3. ooooooooooohhhhhhhhhh!!!!! hahahaha oh yeah! i've seen his myspace before. who is he? one of mika's personal friends? i've always wondered about that one... hahha
  4. that picture is so cute! i love it! hahaha
  5. i have a feeling that he is drunk in that one. hahaha:roftl: and that's the astronaut! in the top right! and i looove the comments greg wells put under the two of these pictures on his myspace! they're wicked funny! :roftl:
  6. i have a feeling that mika is slighty...naughty? What's Your Favourite Club? Ones where I can no longer remember the name by the time I leave. What Record Did You Lose Your Virginity To? Oh how I wish I could remember!... *sigh* these next two i just had comments on. haha. What's The Best Night Out You've ever Had? It was in the south of France a couple of years back at a cheesy little club. Amazing how throwing an ice cube at someone can turn in to full on 200-people ice fight then into a drink fight, obviously not with our own drinks! We were thrown out at 3am without having to pay the bill, all this to a tacky euro pop soundtrack. that is definatly something that i would do. throw an ice cube at someone and have it turn into a full ice cube fight. yeah, that's me. hahaha. If You Were An Animal, What Animal and Why? A goldfish, no chance of regrets. whenever i read or hear mika talking about his regrets or his past i get really really sad for him and i feel like a part of me is missing. but, i think he is one of the very very few artists out there that doesn't cover his emotions, he lets people know what he is feeling. and when he does that, we can connect with him so much more! and that's what makes me respect him.
  7. haha. that's a good look for him. and he has a really big mouth!
  8. hahaha! but doesn't that seriously look like what he is thinking?!
  9. you guys are all totally right about how all the penniman's look. like, they look like they're related but you could only tell they were if they stood next to each other. but if yasmine and mika were standing on different sides of the room you'd never know! (well, we would, but a non-mika fan probably wouldn't.) haha. and they're all beautiful too! but, i think mika has a very statuesque,(? hopefully someone knows what i'm trying to say haha.), facial structure. like, he looks like he could've been sculpted from marble and miraculously made into a man.
  10. i literally stopped breathing for 5 whole seconds when i looked at those. those are beyond gorgeous! :mf_lustslow: :wub2:
  11. ohhhhh i thought it was like an article in a magazine... i got a little worried right then! haha i thought there was secret about mika. well, obviously there are, but i thought... well, i guess you understand. hahahha
  12. hahaha! omg he does look kinda like a plane in that picture! he's so graceful!
  13. he's so cute! how can he wear so many layers after a show? he looks gooorgeous!
  14. deep purple?! purple is my favorite color too! i'm wearing a deep purple zip-up hoodie right now! and i wore a deep purple striped zip-up hoodie to his concert in june! i have so many purple things! i'm so excited! haha
  15. yeah, i heard that he's coming back around january or febuary?..
  16. yes! we all have to spontaneously combust for him. hahha he better get his ass back here and play in small venues! haha. i hope he still does play in clubs and places like that because it's more fun and the energy is higher and the audience can feel a connection to him when it's a small venue instead of a big stadium. but, he knows what we like and hopefully he won't make the drastic decision of performing in a stadium!
  17. hahaha but i thought it was funny! haha. oh! you're so lucky! i hope he comes back to america soon!
  18. yeah, you've definatly got a point there vanessa! hahahahaha lmao! well, he could brush your teeth for you, but i don't think he could brush them 387296 brushes per minute.
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