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Everything posted by sillyjody

  1. okay. so, i jusrt read a bulletin that was on myspace and it was like all the 12 zodiac signs and i read mika's and from what i've learnt about him... it's pretty true! read it! L • E • O: wild in bed Great talker. Sexy and passionate. Laid back. Knows how to have fun. Is really good at a lot. Great kisser. Unpredictable. Outgoing. Down to earth. Loyal.Addictive. Attractive. Loud. Loves being in long relationships. Talkative. Not one to mess with. Rare to find. Great when found. (sorry about the 'wild in bed' part! )
  2. omg! i know! i was so excited for him to come back, but he never did! i was so sad when september came and went and nothing was talked about buying tickets or anything! he should've posted on his myspace or website that 'he decided to take september as a getting well/resting time instead of coming back here.' but, it's okay. i forgive easily, and plus! i heard he's coming back in like jan. or feb! and i'm so excited now! :biggrin2:
  3. awww. the first one is so cute. he's so cute. with his curly hair and bewildered look. haha
  4. i'm going as a Big Girl! i already found the whole costume... now i just need to buy it. hahaha i super excited!
  5. ohh! i wanna be in it! sounds like fun! but... my computer is busted so, idk how i'm going to be able to put a picture of my costume up here... i'll try my hardest though!
  6. hahaha. well, yeah... but if you look close to his stomach, he does have ab muscles. and we aallll know that he has arm muscles! :wub2:
  7. oh my gosh! it's amazing! i love it sooo much... i really hope it's on the new album!
  8. i loev the part when he tells the story about the australian guy telling him how to say "today" hahahaha
  9. is there a video of him singing this? it sounds like a really good song. but really sad too...
  10. when he's wearing a shirt, he looks like he's so tiny. but he's actually got a lot of muscle!
  11. his pants are always falling down. hahaha
  12. :lmfao: lmao!!!!!!!!!! hahahahahahahhaha i'm pretty sure this is the funniest thing that i have read/heard all day.
  13. i just noticed in that picture he's wearing a backpack! ahhh... he's so cute...
  14. ^^ where are those from? after a concert?
  15. hahahaha. yeahh, i don't wanna get kicked out! haha thanks for the link!
  16. okayy. haha! me too! like Sexy Back! hahaha
  17. hahahahaha! the song 'i'm too sexy...' reminds me of mika. haha. just because it says i'm too sexy for my shirt, and he usually doesn't wear a shirt when he does love today. hahha and do you know the link for the making of the happy ending video?
  18. i neeeeeed to see that! i've been searching for it everywhere! what's the link, please?
  19. :lmfao: lmao! hahahahahha! now whenever i hear that song i'll think of mika's sexiness and how i get a fever and sing that song to him!
  20. hahahahahhaa! that's a good one! if he ever asked me that and then i sed i was hot for him i'd break out into "it's getting hot in here/so take off all your clothes!/ i am getting so hott/ i wanna take my clothes off!" then he would definatly call security. hahahaha :roftl:
  22. hahaha! omg, that's what i would do! "hi..uhh... can i hug you? " "of course! :naughty:" *as he laughs and wraps his arms around me* then my face would get really really hot hahahah. cuz that's what happens when i get really really really nervous.
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