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Status Updates posted by mari62

  1. Yes, thanks, I had a nice time with my beloved ones, and tons of wishes :original:

  2. Aw glad you had an amazing birthday! I got tons of wishes as well :wub2:

  3. Hi! Thanks for the request! :) x

  4. Aw really? Sorry to hear that! :aah:

    You'll have better days for sure! :huglove:

  5. Oh no, it's not late!

    Thank you very much Mika!! :huglove:

    How was your birthday?

  6. Thanks Helena! :huglove:

    I celebrate with my beloved ones :wub2:


    How was your birthday?

  7. Hi! Thanks for the request :) x

  8. Happy Birthday Helena! :huglove:


  9. Never say never Lena, I've changed a lot during the last few years

  10. Ciao Jimmy!

    Mi fa piacere che cominci a stare meglio, ti auguro una buona convalescenza e una ripresa veloce :original:

    sì diciamo così così grazie, sto cercando di risolvere alcuni problemi e spero di vedere presto dei risultati.

    un bacio :bye:

  11. I really hope you'll come to peace with this, you can talk to someone by you if it helps

  12. letto PM :) io sarò a Roma, non a Padova, allora ci rivedremo probabilmente l'anno prossimo durante il tour vero e proprio ;)

    grazie per la richiesta!

  13. Ciao Simona benvenuta anche qui!

    Mi chiamo Marina, ero vicino a Robertina, mi ricordo di voi, bellissima Giudy :original:

    Se hai bisogno di una guida sul forum o di informazioni chiedi pure.


  14. Dear Lena, I hope that my words didn't hurt your feelings

    I understand that it is difficult for you to accept

    but as Christine said, I hope that you'll be able to come to terms with it, and be happy for him, like most of us are :huglove:

  15. ah bene :D

    a Vigevano c'ero anch'io, speriamo di conoscerci a Roma, no non vado a così tanti concerti ;)

  16. Ciao Giorgia benvenuta anche qui!

    se hai bisogno di qualche dritta sul forum o informazioni chiedi pure :original:


    sei già stata ad un concerto di Mika?

  17. Yes, I was there, but it took me some time to find out where you were waiting for him, and then I stayed at the back together with Kath and Nina, and managed to say hello to him when he was already in the car, and soon afterwards everyone left.

    Until next time then :)

  18. They're both quite far away from me, but we'll prolly fly to Rome, hubby doesn't feel like driving till Padova

  19. Exactly, the show is the most important thing, although the company plays a big role as well

    Are you planning to go to Padova or Rome?

  20. Oh well :D thanks btw :blush-anim-cl:

    ok, we'll probably get to meet in Italy then :original:

    I know what you mean, negative episodes happen, and can ruin a gig, I always try to focus on the positive though

    Don't worry, Mika gigs are a very personal experience, everyone can live them in a different way

  21. Hello Chris!

    I'm sorry we didn't meet in Nice or Vigevano; when I came back home I thought, that you might have missed the gigs, but then I saw your reports/pics/videos and watched your pic on fb again and realized that I hadn't recognized you! I dunno why in Nice I thought you were a French fan :doh:

    I hope we'll have a chance to meet and chat at a Mika show in the future, I'm sure next time I'll recognize you, or please come to me if you wish, If you see me first :original:

  22. Hello Netina! :bye:

    I'm sorry I didn't see you in Nice, or maybe I didn't recognize you :dunno:

    I hope we'll have another chance to meet soon :original:

  23. :D

    se a Milano non ti vedo o non ti riconosco, ci sarà confusione, presentati tu, mi farebbe piacere conoscerti :wink2:

  24. Ciao anche qui!

    a quanto ho letto conosci già bene MFC, ma in caso avessi bisogno di qualche indicazione sai dove trovarmi :wink2:


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