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Everything posted by Candboys

  1. Clare, your myspace looks nice. I only opened up mine a week or so ago. I tried and have no idea how to work it yet. I plan to learn soon though.
  2. Hello, Wendy, Clare, Vicky, Shari, Pooh, Charlotte, and any one else I missed. How is everyone? I am so tired now. I could not sleep last night.
  3. I agree. I heard that they had heaters outside in NYC. That would be so great! I would love to meet everyone in person. It's kind of like the Cure concert I went to eons ago. I camped out in line for tickets for like 2 days and got to know everyone in line and it was a huge party when the concert happened because everyone around you were people you had met before. This forum has been like our camping out in line for the past 2 months.
  4. I am about a 6 but I will bring insoles or something to make them fit tighter. Wouldn't you know it, it was one of my kids that wondered about how the shoes were going to fit.
  5. Thank you! I have shown my husband who all of you are so that in case he sees you guys there, he can say hi. If you all see a tall guy with 3 little boys with him, say hi too. We are all getting so excited for the show. Didn't seem like it was so far off just a little while ago?
  6. I have a new worry. What sizes are the SHOES? I have been busy reading back posts. I think I have spent my entire day on MFC.
  7. Thanks, Kath, I will go search for it now. I have been on here all day and need to go too. We have puppy training class in half an hour with puppy MIKA.
  8. Carri, Happy Birthday to Evie! She is now officially a teenager, right?
  9. Hi! I got a call this morning also for being a lollipop girl in Chicago! It's been great to see your posts LadyGodiva!
  10. Hi Kath! Yes, all that worry about the camera. I was ready to go out and get some disposables today! It's snowing AGAIN today.
  11. Hi hooch! I lived in Va Beach a few times. It was fun there.
  12. I saw the post on here and on myspace looking for lollipop girls. I wasn't going to at first but I figured it was a long shot and I should just try. I hope it all goes well and this is not some sick joke! I have pm'ed the other gal on here that got the call this morning too so I guess it is legit. It was funny actually, since as some of you know, my puppy is named Mika. My husband answered the phone and thought, my DOG doesn't have management!
  13. Hi Racha, I don't think we have met. I simply emailed them my picture and said what size I was. I am excited but don't want to jinx myself in any way. Hi to everyone here!
  14. Congratulations, Amanda!!!! I just KNEW when I saw your pictures that you would make a perfect lollipop girl! I got a call this morning also from Mika's management and I will be the other lollipop girl! Yay for the MFC! I am beyond excited. Mostly in shock.
  15. Congratulations, Wendy! That is so exciting for you! All that hard work you did! It is a very exciting day today! I got a call from Mika's management this morning and it looks like I am going to be a lollipop girl in Chicago!!!!!
  16. My husband is going as are my 3 sons so that will be 4 more males in the audience.
  17. It was nice to see everyone here. I am off to the pool again. It is a daily occurance. Sweet dreams everyone!
  18. I guess that makes the upcoming Chicago show extra special. It is a big club venue but definitely not an arena. Thanks! I am trying to learn my way around myspace. It seems very different to me than facebook. I am not real sure of how it all works yet. OK, I will go out this weekend and buy some disposables!
  19. Yea, that's a thought. I did not realize how digitized I have become. Film camera, back to waiting to see IF your pictures came out. Going to the store to drop off the film, waiting, paying for bad shots. Wow, what a horrible whiner I am! But, hey! I will have my phone!
  20. There was talk on the Chicago show forum that they may even have metal detectors. I want to be able to take decent pictures but don't want to get my camera confiscated nor do I want to be thrown out. Have fun dcdeb! I will look for your show report!
  21. Hi Clare, did you buy anything fun? I went shopping today too but for boring things like chicken and eggs and milk.
  22. The drive is about 4 hours, I think. You would think I would know since I went to Chicago over Christmas but I don't really remember. I am not sure how big the venue is. I think bigger than the one in Minneapolis but not huge like toronto. The big downer is I heard on the official concert forum that the venue was very strict about their no camera rule. It was said there that if they see your camera, they can throw you out.
  23. I know, I wish there were other oldlings going to Chicago. I am not really making any big plans to line up early or anything. I don't think the family would appreciate getting frozen. Although my one son REALLY wants to be up front. I have no idea what the size of the venue is. I only know that it is now sold out.
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