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Posts posted by pica_mica

  1. He always does it and I just dont understand why! I mean..he even does it alot during his gigs. Like during his gig here in Dubai, I was at the first row and there was this part where I shouted "Mika, I love you!" and then he looked right at me, right into my eyes, and sang the first bit of the second verse of "Relax" to me. Like...looking right at me and singing for about...5 seconds! (I know it isnt much but trust me..it felt like 5 hours....really!!!!)

    And I nearly died....I nearly passed out!!!

    I guess he likes the eye-contact thing.

  2. It was my birthday party on Friday, and I was so happy when my friends presented me with my very own MIKA style cake!!

    Its got to be one of the best birthday cakes I've ever had! I felt as though I couldn't possibly eat it! So, I decided I'd take some snaps to show you guys! :wink2:












    I hope you all like it as much as I do! :biggrin2:

    I absolutely LOVE IT!!! I certainly wouldn't have eaten it!!!

  3. Okay, last night i get back from the gig, which was wonderful, no regrets and we had rlly awesome seats, by the end i made it to the front row, but sadly didnt make it on stage, their were like hundreds of girls on the stage trying to touch mika. :lmao: im like jeez! anyways, after the gig, the security guard kept screaming at me to go away cuz mika and luke werent coming out, so stupidly i waited on the street. then he screamed at me some more, so i left. i come down here after the gig and find they did come out, and im just so pissed at myself, when mike comes back there is NO way my family will be able to afford to take me there again, i promised luke his vest, and i just feel like a total idiot for not staying, i was just rlly determined, and i should have stayed.


    Hawww...don't be harsh on yourself..it isnt your fault..its all because of that idiot security guard.

    If I were you..I would've cried when I found out that they really did show up later...that must've been a terrible feeling..

  4. I would take him to Venice. We'd walk hand in hand around the place and have a little romantic trip on the cute little boats they have all around the city there, with an italian guy singing in loud italian loud above our heads.:blush-anim-cl:

    Then we'd go to an open-air restaurant and have lotsa pizza and pasta and talk about his amazing music. I'd also start talking a bit more about myself so that he'd get encouraged to talk more about himself without being too uncomfortable or suspicious. I hate talking about myself, but..just to get him to open his cute little mouth, I'd do it!:thumb_yello:

  5. Well, if you have the Mika, Live in cartoon motion DVD you will see on the pictures on the little cover a picture of a tree carved "I love no more" is this like a little saying or is it true? I want Mika to be very very very very very very... (u get the idea) happy, ive never loved like this before and to think that I have a CHANCE with the most caring loving Mika, I think he will make a great daddy 1 day, but I hope his career isn't stopping him from having a life behind his career, I know, I know I'm soppy and I bet your thinking "I want Mika to love me and to have a familly together" I love Mika and I really would love to spend the rest of my life protecting him and being there for him always, but I just feel sick to know that I might not have a chance with him to know that theres about 3 thousand odd more people that love him too, sometimes I even cry that he dosen't know that I love him. For God's sake, he's famous! HOW the heck will I have a chance with the most lovely-est, caring, sweet young man Mika??? But I just can't face it anymore I love him! And I'm even wanting to stay single unil I meet him, I feel like Ive known him for years, I just want to be with him, thats all I want, if I had 1 wish I would wish to be with him, forever and ever. I can't help it, but everything reminds me off Mika, on the weather forcast it said "In London..." I immediatly thought of him, another time it was science and the scientist mensioned the "Mika" stone and my ears pricked up like a dog's, but thats just a couple theres millions more but I'll just be boring u to death. So Mika, if your reading this I love you so much, and even if I'm not going to be the lucky girl in your life, please be happy and don't let your career stop you from thinking ahead of it, I love you, and even if you don't love me it will make no difference because I'll always be here for you and my heart is always locked for you and you will always have the key.


    Dont all girls here feel the same? I know I do..

  6. I was thinking, which I'm doing a lot, but have you notizzzed that Mika is mostly wearing grey underwear ( I havent seen other colours)?




    I thought, that since he always dressed so colourful, then his panties would also be colourful.. So, if you were Mika-honey-bunny, what you then answer to this?




    Edit: i've juts found out.. that he's actually wearing official MFC undies.. It's the limited edition ones, those that glow in dark! Just look at this picture:


    I had no idea those even EXISTED!!:blink:

    That is downright ADORABLE!!!!

    And yeah...why is his underwear always grey?:blink:

  7. I've done some pretty stupid things...

    1) I've shouted my lungs out at people who hate him or say anything negative about him.

    2)I used to GAPE at his myspace page before he deleted it.(even though its on "Private", I still gape at it.)

    3)I dunno if this is stupid...but I quote him like..ALL THE TIME.

    4) Silly me...I sent him a friend request on myspace...I mean...how SILLY of me!!! It just broke my heart and made me cry because all along I knew he would NEVER EVER accept me..yet I still did it.

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