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Lollipop Love

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Everything posted by Lollipop Love

  1. hi !! i like mika too welcome here
  2. hello ! welcome here I'm Lucy from Brazil
  3. Hi Justin, welcome here I'm Lucy
  4. so cute, the look in his eyes are saying "What they have done for me now?" congrats girls
  5. You guys haven been in so many shows that some gigs din't have any news to you, right? and I want to go to one show, even if it were just one ...... this world is really crazy place ......... anyway, thanks for the reports so far, can't wait for the pics
  6. I have some more hours too stay here, it's just midnight in Brazil
  7. O seu report foi o mais emocionante (afinal você foi a sortuda que conheceu o Mika ) mas adorei o report da Mary, Mafaaa e todas vocês, amei os videos da Lili, amei sua foto com o Mika, amei tudo
  8. Thank you girls for all the reports and pics, normalmente eu nem leio muito os reports mas li e adorei cada um que vcs escreveram, vcs vivenciaram o show de uma maneira única porque sabem que não é fácil ver um show do Mika, muita gente daqui do fórum já viu tanto show então os reports não são tão emocionantes quanto foi o de vocês, amigas portuguesas vendo um show do Mika pela primeira vez, estou muito feliz por vocês I'm sorry write so much in portuguese but it's something that I was needing to say to the girls from Portugal.
  9. gente eu sou uma big girl de um metro e meio huahuahua, sou big pelo peso não pelo tamanho, é foda ser baixinha, vcs vão ter que me proteger , eu posso até emgrecer antes desse show mas crescer vai ser dificil
  10. Mika is awesome even by phone ! and he speack portuguese !!! I know I'll love this
  11. It's only 5 mfc'ers but I'm sure that Mika has much more fans in Portugal, in our forum in Brazil we have 81 fans but in a comunity on Orkut we have more than 13.000 fans !!! and grow each day, is that people don't like to write so much so they don't participate activily (i write this right? )
  12. Hello girls, you all did a great job ! is so many people to thanks that I'm lost here, pics of the show, backstage, videos and reports, all TOO GREAT !!! THANK YOU SOOOOOOOOOOOOOO MUCH !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm having a overdose of Mika and I'm loving !!! :mf_lustslow:
  13. Thank you soooooooo much Marleen and Moonlightchild, go rest girls, you deservet it
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