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Everything posted by Kalas

  1. me too. chocolate is just killing my self esteem... or at least I imagine it's that way ...
  2. håkan hellström - kom igen lena swedish swedish
  3. oooooh feel the feeling!!! it's just great to be in it.... and if it's nt answered, don't care about it. your feelings were fun but they didn't mean anything. I allways think so. It works!
  4. I saw a program about libanon and the war there... It was about two woman,a cristian and a muslim, and their way to deal with it. They were so tierd of all the primitive thoughts of "hizbolla is a terrorist organisation" and "israel is nothting but evil". one of them is a journalist and she was not able to criticize the regim, she couldn't so much to help the justice. the risk to get killed was too high. well... a lot of the human race seem to be idiots. and it's so easy to rely in religion and do really fatal and evil things in the name of it... to cheat the people to belivie that war is justyfied in the name of it when it's all about money, power and oil. i don't see a solution... the people is not able to criticize the ones who rule their contry. it's doomed to be violent again and again until democracy is a fect.
  5. I love stuck in the middle and ring ring most I guess... Happy ending is too, and billy brown has a great message but the melody gets annoying after a while according to me...
  6. the best choise that exists... salem al fakir - dreamgirl... litsen to it! he's one of the coolest persons on earth and his hair looks lika mika's.
  7. Word!!!! I'm expecting religious experiences at least
  8. Yeah that sounds great... . I'll give sienna my address though. I'm trying to pack for may week-long ski tour now... Uh it's all about getting the weight down. comfort and hygiene are not as necessary as those two apparently.
  9. Yeah... but I'll be totally isolated for a week... I will be skiing in the mountains, not alpine but cross-country. I'll go like 20 km a day... and I havn't stand on that kind of skiis since I was eight. Now I'm eighteen. hahahaha. I hope I wont get lost there. but I'm sure everybody else will be faster than me, they are so serious. I thinkt we'll have electricity in 2/3 of the cottages we'll be staying in, but computers is absolutely excluded... I can give sienna my number though. Maybe I'll have connection sometimes...
  10. Hi guys!! I've been reeeeally busy and therefore I haven't been here for a while, but I want you crews to know that I'm gone v.11, 10-16 mars. I wont be able to take humpfrey then.... hopefully it wont matter but well, I thought I shuold say it again. I want him here by now! humfrey is my man. ciao
  11. hehehehe nej du joinar den rosa trenden här . tyckte den såg bra och fin ut, ser ut som en sån mobil där inte smsen slutar funka efter ett halvår. hahahahaha. alla mobiler ser ut som sådana förutom min! gillar du borlänge? jag känner ingen därifrån tror jag .
  12. time for sleep. I've ignored complex numbers now for a while. I cannot do it tomorrow, and I guess I need to sleep. Otherwise I'll never understand those imaginary units. IMAGINARY!!!!!
  13. I will not be excluded from society due to my taste bud....
  14. OMG cheese, I loath it! I'm an adult now, and I really thought I would start to like cheese, olives, sauasage and all the other things I hate with all my heart... but no. I'm still a child when it comes to eating things. however, I like haloumi and Parmigiano Reggiano!
  15. festivals!!!!! how could i forget them. damn mika, he would have made last summer perfect if he had showed up on way out west, a festival I bought tickets to mostly becouse of him... and lilly allen. she didn't show up either. but it was great . Regina spektor was there... and kayne west! and mano chau! and shout out louds! and peter bjorn and john! you seem to be having so much fun on the pics! I want it noooow!
  16. hehehe it's really irritating color vs. colour, I never know how to spell it as a not native englishman/american.. what's correct?
  17. hehe I guess your summer is too hot. I can't handle sun. My skin never gets brown, instead I always get freckles... but please post something that you long for! something that's happiness for you... hahaha that last pic . I used to galopp around like that, the horse just had a halter on... hehehe adrenaline was high!
  18. you must be soul mates. you think the same!
  19. I hope I'll travell around in europe with my lovely friends.. and it will be sun! And I'll graduate from high scool, soon I'll go to the university I guess. NO SCHOOL FOR LIKE 10 WEEKS!!!!! oh they are so easy, my wishes. just what everone wants... relaxing!
  20. Oh mario! He is the best. no one beats him in games! I'm litsening to that song right now . sounds cool.
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