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Everything posted by Kalas

  1. Alltså jag är konstant nästan förkyld. Antagligen är det för att jag aldrig vilar, har häst och går natur så är alltid på språng... Mitt immunförsvar pallar inte med idioten som stressar det för mycket Ingen som har någon superkur mot snor och hostningar och ont i huvudet och skit ?
  2. Jag har läst "gäst hos verkligheten". Den är liksom väldigt intellektuell och dessutom gammal, så den är svår att förstå. Läste ett utdrag ur sartres "varat och intet" nu till mitt filosofiprojekt, och det är lite samma kaliber på dem. Man använde ju en helt annan begreppsvärld på den tiden och det märks verkligen när man läser... Fast jag gillade den ändå. Den är uppfriskande i sin civilisationskritik. Av nobelpristagare som jag läst gillar jag Albert Camus. Också en fransk existensialist. Både "pesten" och "främlingen" är bra. Herrman Hesse är också trevlig, "siddharta", "glaspärlespelet" och "stäppvargen" är alla bra. Glaspärlespelet, och till viss del också stäppvargen är dock ganska tunga. Siddharta är mer "själsfeelgood". Även "En dag i Ivan Denisovitjs liv" av Alexander Solsjenitsyn är frutansvärt bra. Man fattar verkligen hur otrolig människan är som härdar ut i koncentrationsläger. Har inte läst så många andra nobelpristagare faktiskt... Är en latis! Good luck .
  3. Oooh yeah I know! all people just seem to be nuts. hahaha. And really, they are never giving you an easy way to categorize people. You are bound to be suspisous about everything. It's kind of hard not beeing a proffesional! how should I know what depends on normal persinality compared to "a very big shame that is first known in age 1-3"?! hehe. I've only read four chapters in around the world ... I'm currently (also) reading the wall (le mur) by jean paul sartre, also, and I must finish it first. I'm re-reading it for a school project. but I've only got like 40 pages left . soon verne again!
  4. Jaaaa åååh. man ska SÅ bo där på vintern. det här är hemskt! men somrarna är ju guld .
  5. åh min kära linje. ett hett tips om du är som mig: sumpa inte dina betyg i ettan och inse att du vill bli läkare i trean ... och jag får ju söka universitet! herregud. men jag tror jag hoppar det ett år eller så. ska du bo på internat ?
  6. Åh jag vill ooockså springa. men är förkyld. varför är man alltid så hemskt motiverad när man är sjuk? hehe
  7. Fatatr inte hur man inte kan ha vinterjacka nu . Det är regnigt och snålblåst och allmänt fruktansvärt hemskt. Jag har har fått överge min fina ullkappa för en 3 år gammal dunis. En sak är bra med den, fodringen tar emot om man halkar och trillar... hehe. rätt stor risk nu när all snö töar bort och blottar is. annars rätt surt att ha den, kör aldrig på fashion berfore function annars! grrr. jag vill också vara en sann viking som ni... en som inte fryser 24/7... huuur ;D?
  8. :D Now I really must get myself a good camra soon.. his color wont be flattring with my cellphone cam (no colors are).
  9. Oooooooh they are indescribable. fantastic. I must read them in english... I'm currently reading: Why is it allways about you? Saving yourself from the narcissists in your life - Sandy Hotchkiss: It's interesting. I've got people kind of close to me that seem to be narcissists. and I think I've got some traits that may be considered as narcissitic. uhu. and Around the world in 80 days - julius verne. A lot of words that are hard to understund in it... good for me I guess. Those two books will be finished in a month or so ... I haven't got the time to read a lot.
  10. I didn't know that.. argh. yes death penalty is unaccepteble. Well no EU :smirk:.
  11. Oh so Italy is almost a dictature. How nice. Why doesn't EU do something? seems like turkey, that they don't know if they will let in or not, is very much more democratic.
  12. yep but we always want to identify ourselfs with those who are like us... and most people in the western world usally cares a lot more about people who are similar themselves than those who don't look like them, lives far away or don't speak the same language. I mean, 200 000 civilians have been killed in Darfur, and FN is not getting massive support. If 2000 civilians died in a western country according to war that massive support wouldn't wait. We share our history, and that seem to be more imomportant than equality of lives.
  13. Isn't berlusconi in control of all your medias? cause he's the owner? And isn't the situation is the same i russia? It's creepy. Hope they wont start to control the internet also as in china ..
  14. hahahahahahahaha creativity mustn't always be a good thing
  15. yep I'm an apple. I've got a major math examination soon, and I'm not studying. therefore, I'm an apple! jiiihuuu but I really think funny is equivalent to sexy often..
  16. haha I think I've got minor identity crisis ongoing all the time. what else can I do except redoing myself? personal development must come from identity crises... or what?
  17. Why why why.... 200: My middle name is: Elsa Karolina 199: I was born in: stockholm, 20 nov 1989 198: I am really: stupid (I'm doing this!!) 197: My cell phone company is: tele2'/comviq 196: My eye color is:blue 195: My shoe size is: 37 194: My ring size is: big I belive 193: My height is: 174 192: I am allergic to: "water" to contact lenses.. haha 191: My 1st car was: no driving licence 190: My 1st job was: I've never worked 189: Last book you read: Why is it allways about you? Saving yourself from the narcissists in your life 188: My bed is: small 187: My pets: are lovley. cat, horse, dog. 186: My best friend: have none.. haha. I'v only got like 1500 superficial. 185: My favorite shampoo is: have none 184: AIM name: AIM name???? que?? 183: Piggy Banks are: lovely 182: In my pockets: rubibsh 181: On my calendar: allways a lot. mostly school. 180: Marriage is: good for some people 179: Sponge Bob can: bob?? 178: My mom: is looking at mr bean with my brother. hahaha 177: The last three cd's I bought were: oh I download, but the last one I got was mikas 176: Last YouTube video watched: Hmm hahahahaha.175: How many cousins do you have? 4 174: Do you have any siblings: 2... sister 15 and brother 7 173: Are your parents divorced: nope 172: Are you taller than your mom? yes 171: Do you play an instrument? yes.. piano and trumphet 170: What did you do yesterday: studied with a friend, ride my horse and talked to a friend who thought she might be homeless soon at 3 AM. hahaha I Believe In: bipolar depression hahaha 169: Love at first sight: yes 168: Luck: will be mine 167: Fate: well you can wish 166: Yourself: sick sick sick. 165: Aliens: are there 164: Heaven: is not there 163: Hell: same same 162: God: nope 161: Horoscopes: nope 160: Soul mates: why not?! 159: Ghosts: hope they are here 158: Gay Marriage: Off course!! 157: War: 156: Orbs: que? 155: Magic: harry potter is my man Which is Better 154: Hugs or Kisses: kisses 153: Drunk or High: well my friends say I'm constantly drunk and right now I like beeing me 152: Phone or Online: phone 151: Red heads or Black haired: reddies! 150: Blondes or Brunettes: brunettes 149: Hot or cold: hot 148: Summer or winter:summer 147: Autumn or Spring: spring 146: Chocolate or vanilla: chcolate 145: Night or Day: night 144: Oranges or Apples: apples 143: Curly or Straight hair: curly 142: McDonalds or Burger King: the donk ofc 141: White Chocolate or Milk Chocolate: dark! 140: Mac or PC: mac 139: Flip flops or high heals: high 138: Ugly and rich OR Sexy and poor: sexy and poor hehe 136: Hillary or Obama: obama 135: Burried or cremated: cremated 134: Singing or Dancing: singing 133: Coach or Chanel: chanel? 132: Kat McPhee or Taylor Hicks: hahaha who the f*** are they? 131: Small town or Big city: big 129: Ben Stiller or Adam Sandler: none 128: Manicure or Pedicure: manicure 127: East Coast or West Coast: hehe here the east 126: Your Birthday or Christmas: christmas 125: Chocolate or Flowers: flowers 124: Disney or Six Flags: disney 123: Yankees or Red Sox: haha obviosly I'm not well-read Here's What I Think About 122: War: buhu 121: George Bush: 120: Gay Marriage: 119: The presidential election: too early 118: Abortion: thumbs up 117: MySpace: same 116: Reality TV: never look at it 115: Parents: nice to have 114: Back stabbers: que? 113: Ebay: expensive 112: Sex: 111: Work: I'ts a necessary bad? hahaha 110: My Neighbors: nice 109: Gas Prices: should be a lot higher 108: Designer Clothes: should be mine and only mine 107: College: ofc 106: Sports: like them 105: My family: like them too 104: The future: we are domed Last time I 103: Hugged someone: omg... 3 days ago? 102: Last time you ate: 3 hours 101: Saw someone I haven't seen in awhile: 4 days ago 100: Cried in front of someone: a month maybe 99: Went to a movie theater: before christmas 98: Took a vacation: I'm on vacation now 97: Swam in a pool: october maybe... haha 96: Changed a diaper: years and years ago.. thanks to that 95: Got my nails done: never had them. haha 94: Went to a wedding: I've never been to one 93: Broke a bone: never never 92: Got a peircing: 6 years ago? the ears 91: Broke the law: well I guess I walked when it was red a few days ago 90: Texted: ? MISC 89: Who makes you laugh the most: my sister... and her best friens märta. haha 88: Something I will really miss when I leave home is: my horse! and my bed 87: The last movie I saw: norhern lights... a disappointment 86: The thing that I'm looking forward to the most: school's over 85: The thing im not looking forward to: decide what to do and study agen 84: People call me: "drunk 24/7" because of my persinality. haha 83: The most difficult thing to do is: math! 82: I have gotten a speeding ticket: ??? 81: My zodiac sign is: ??? 80: The first person i talked to today was: my uncle. haha 79: First time you had a crush: 10? 78: The one person who i can't hide things from: can hide things for everyone 77: Last time someone said something you were thinking: haha whwn I studied with my dear friend I guess 76: Right now I am talking to: MFC 75: What are you going to do when you grow up: I want to be a doctor. or a pilot. or a musician. well well 74: I have/will get a job: yep when I finish my current school 73: Tomorrow: school starts. 8-5. 72: Today: studying 71: Next Summer: ooooh I want to travell! 70: Next Weekend: I will go out, study and hopefully I will visit my former pony 69: I have these pets: cat tusse, horse pope (power play ) haha, dog 68: The worst sound in the world: my alarm clock 67: The person that makes me cry the most is: myself... mika I guess to. his texts are too sad. 66: People that make you happy: olivia, alicia, karro, moa 65: Last time I cried: yesterday... 64: My friends are: some are lothsome, some are lovely 63: My computer is: my best 62: My School: is pushing me 61: My Car: is non-existing 60: I lose all respect for people who: wear ugly make up. hehe 59: The movie I cried at was: boy's don't cry 58: Your hair color is: blonde 57: TV shows you watch: nip/tuck, heroes, desperate housewives 56: Favorite web site: MFC, bukefalos.com 55: Your dream vacation: nice horses horses horses and a good tranier 54: The worst pain I was ever in was: Oh when I've hurt friends... 53: How do you like your steak cooked: don't like steaks 52: My room is: messy as usual 51: My favorite celebrity is: mika! 50: Where would you like to be: In germany as a riding student. or maybe in front of my piano?? haha 49: Do you want children: someday maybe 48: Ever been in love: crushes yes... but I've never been mad 47: Whos your best friend: I don't know. don't have óne I guess 46: More guy friends or girl friends: girls 45: One thing that makes you feel great is: A on examinations. hahaha 44: One person that you wish you could see right now: david that little f****r 43: Do you have a 5 year plan:? In generall yes 42: Have you made a list of things to do before you die: nope 41: Have you pre-named your children: nope 40: Last person I got mad at: mummy 39: I would like to move to: england, SF or NY or new zeeland 38: I wish I was a professional: musican. rider. My Favourite: 37: Candy: expensive chocolate 36: Vehicle: moped 35: President: benazir bhutto... rip 34: State visited: hmmmm italy? 33: Cell Phone Provider: ? 32: Athlete: karolina klüft. hubertus schmitdh 31: Actor: johnny depp 30: Actress: nathalie portman, keira knightly 29: Singer: mika and regina spektor 28: Band: all john lennons bands I guess 27: Clothing Store: urban outfitters 26: Grocery Store: konsum. haha 25: TV show: nip/tuck 24: Movie: the hours, V for vendetta, eternal sunshine on a spotless mind 23: Website: mikafanclub.com 22: Animal: cats 21: Theme Park: 20: Holiday: hm austria with friends I guess 19: Sport to watch: dressage 18: Sport to play: dressage 17: Magazine: elle 16: Book: we have to talk about kevin - lionel shriver 15: Day of the week: saturday 14: Beach: havn't attend it yet 13: Concert Attended: mika... haha 12: Thing to cook: nada 11: Food: candy. hehe 10: Restaurant: thai.. 9: Radio Station: p3 8: Yankee Candle scent: ? 7: Perfum: don't know right now 6: Flower: roses 5: Color: red 4: Talk Show host: luuk 3: Comedian: magnus betner 2: Dog Breed: hahaha no idea 1: Are you ready for this survey to be over? yeeees been for quite a while
  18. Ofc I'm a potterfan! Guess I've read the books average 3 times each . That world is just perfect!!! But dh disappointed me... espesially the epilogue.
  19. People of this type tend to be friendly, outgoing and enthusiastic; affectionate articulate and tactful; highly empathetic but easily hurt; creative and original; decisive and passionately opinionated, productive, organised and responsible. yep... The most important thing to ENFJs is their relationships and the opportunity to communicate and connect with others. correct Great careers for ENFPs Here are just a few popular and often satisfying careers for people whose Personality Type is ENFP: Advertising account executive Career / outplacement counsellor Management consultant Developer of educational software Actor Journalist / magazine reporter Graphic designer Art director Copywriter Corporate team trainer Psychologist Inventor Human resources professional Child welfare counsellor Well I guess that is what that really fits my persionality, not what I'm doing right now. I'm studying a lot of math, physics and chemistry (3-year high school before university...). Hmm I don't know if I've chosen the right path...
  20. haha well I've got both a dog and a horse and neither of them look too smart. maybe I should use them for commercial purposes. and the cat... hm he has too much integrity I guess. tahaha poor little thing. "noooo I'm not asleep! no no NO, one of my ears actually points towards you"!
  21. Kalas


    Kind of cool . Catchy! now swedish soon not-indie ida-maria - oh my god
  22. Omg this thread is so out of control. Hm where to find all those pics? I want to give you my own favourites xD.
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