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Oakie Doke

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Status Updates posted by Oakie Doke

  1. http://www.mediafire.com/?sharekey=64035d9e0433eaa2d2db6fb9a8902bda :biggrin2: and I realised why mine has it, it says "Special Edition" at the top. My New Moon is as well and it has an interview with the author at the end.
  2. I was looking at them in the shops today (to buy New Moon - but it was ****ING $30!!!! So I didn't :naughty:) and our copies have that extra chapter too :smth: But okay, if you like, although I have no camera now because my dad took his on holiday with him.


    Of course I did :rolls_eyes: how many freakign presents do you give me throughout the year? I'm allowed to give you one on your birthday :naughty: And it's mostly just stuff from Costa Rica anyway :smth:

  3. Oh I definitely didn't :fisch: :fisch: :fisch:


    Yes, my book has a chapter at te end, after the epilogue, and it's the first day of school from Edward's point of view. You really don't have it???? Dani bought my book in America. Hm. It annoyed me that the spellings were in American, and while I was reading it I was honestly getting annoyed and decided stupid Twilight/Stephanie Meyer thought they were good enough to not release a British english version, but then i realised she bought it in america :naughty: maybe they thought america was good enough to deserve an extra chapter though :sneaky2: Bastards. I can like ... take photos of it or something if you REALLY don't have it? It's quite interesting I guess.

  4. I sent your present today so it SHOULD get there in time. Exactly. If nothing goes wrong. Which it probably would :sneaky2:

    I apologise ofr leaving everyhting to the last minute and therefore not having as many hot guys on the outside as I planned. They printed out bigger than I wanted and I didn't have time to re print them smaller :crybaby: And the printer ran out of ink :boxed: I hope you can forgive me :tears:

  5. Hahahahaha, please do :original:

    I know, right? I did keep my computer on and kept checking every few pages to see when you'd come back online but then I gave up / became too enthralled, so I turned off the computer. Don't worry, I didn't go to bed until 5.45 *pbs* Until i'd finished it *pbs* Now I just have to read tht last chapter in Edwards POV. I was running around trying to finish and send someone's stupid birthday present in time all today :naughty: Okay, well I did sleep until 2.30, so "all day" doesn't really count for much :fisch:

  6. What ever you like :naughty: How many MBs is it all up?

  7. *casually slips in a reminder about the sydney photos*

  8. Should we make a Rod Thomas thread? :think2: Like, he is unknown and such and so he talks to us and it's fantastic, but it would be also fantastic if he became proper and we talked to him first anyhow :smth1: It would be nice for him to be a proper musician and stuff, so we SHOULD spread the word about him. But then all his fans would be Mika fans. :boxed:

  9. And Vampire Weekend are completely awesome. Just so you know.

  10. Petra! Ugh! I hope she's okay, is she okay? How frustrating. *slaps cafeteria food* But you still have to study, go and study!


    Okay, so I've decided you need to provide me proof that you have studied a substantial amount before I will talk to you or reply to any messages/emails. Take a photo showing what you've done or something :sneaky1:

    I need to get some credit for my phone. You need to study for your exam. You can have a break on the 10th, until then, LEARN THAT MATERIAL! :sneaky1: :sneaky1: :sneaky1:


    Have a nice day/evening :) I think I might go and do something tomorrow. Ugh.

  11. You can do it! I believe in you! *msnslaps your stupid mother*

  12. Aww, thank you! It so is! I have many more pictures left! :naughty: And I saw soooo much more amazing stuff later on when I didn't have my camera anymore :crybaby: :crybaby:

  13. HOLY JESUS!!!! OMG! That would be ridiculous. Amazing. Crazy. Hahahaha! *faints* :naughty: What a man-whore :naughty:

  14. Does Hugh's creepy "one two three" at the beginning of Victoria freak you out? It freaks me out :naughty: But of course it's OVER the beginning of the song :sneaky2:

    THANK YOU! *fangirls you* *fangirls the new talking-less Victoria*

    What program do you use? (I know I've asked this before :naughty:)

  15. Hahaha! Thanks! :bleh: I think he didn't think I'd ever find out what it meant :naughty:

  16. Ana! What does the second comment here say? http://au.youtube.com/watch?v=ujQ8A38m1nI&feature=email The online translators get the first bit to say "i died of laughter" but then they freak out at the second bit :naughty: My friend's host brother in Costa Rica wrote it :bleh:

  17. Hmm, I don't know. They are obviously all hot, but who is the one in the mummy costume in the first video? It's Bryn isn't it? You can't say that that is not the single most hottest thing you have ever seen when the camera does the close up down his body?

  18. February 10 where? Wahh, perfect birthday!

  19. I so love him, haha http://au.youtube.com/watch?v=dvazW-AwJXs&feature=channel_page Bryn (is it Bryn? I get him and Dave confused when they're not next to each other :naughty:) is being serious and doing all the work and Rob is just getting completely overexcited about nothing :naughty:

  20. Hahahahahahahahahaha http://au.youtube.com/watch?v=fWbTHNSPnH4&feature=channel How is it even possible for them to be THIS funny/fun?

  21. Hahahhahahha watch "I dick on the towers of london"! :lmfao:


    "faster! faster! faster!" :lmfao: He is like a ****ing 3 year old.

  22. Holy **** that is a lot of Holloways videos. I am in heaven. But I should go to bed. But I think I will just keep watching them...

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