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Oakie Doke

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Status Updates posted by Oakie Doke

  1. Because it was 7.23am :naughty:

    I was struggling with my snooze button over whether or not to get up yet/how late to be to work :naughty:

  2. Devin, here's a suggestion: instead of asking us that question all the time it might be better if you read back in the thread and found out for yourself "what is up". Thanks. :thumb_yello:


    :lmfao: :lmfao: :bow:

  3. What do you mean? Did you geta CD? Do they/he have a CD?

  4. Sheesh! :naughty:

    I just decided I'd check my emails before going to school for some practice stuff, but then there were no interesting new emails :no: So I figured I should linger around MFC for a while. I should have left 20 minutes ago ... and I'm still in my pyjamas :fisch:

  5. Why am I still awake? I don't get it. And it's not helped by my friend who I am bitching about our speech mark to that also obviously has completely ****ed up sleeping habits. :crybaby:

  6. Oh that's weird. Maybe msn just doesn't like me email because it's just too cool :original:

  7. People have that problem ALL THE TIME. Make sure you are spelling it RIGHT :lol3: fizzing.whizzbee :naughty:

    Every time someone tries to add me:

    "It's not working, are you blocking me or something?"

    "No, make sure you spelt it right."

    "I did!"

    "Make sure you spelt it actually right!"

    "I so did!"

    "Make sure you spelt it right!"

    "Oh, right, its two z's there.:fisch:"

  8. *tries to figure out what you are talking about*


  9. Thank you for the most excellent comments ever. I seem so cool now :biggrin2:

    Thank you also for making the most hilarious dress robe joke and then referring back to it, causing my death due to lack of beign able to breathe from laughing too much.

    And now I desperately need to go and post about what I offline messaged you about.

  10. How long did it take for me to spot the t's and c's and realise she wasn't saying "bih"? :lmfao:

  11. Guess what there is only 64 days to? :woot_jump::das:

  12. Spam-spam-spam-spam-spam-spam

  13. :naughty: That smiley looks like he's trying to eject a particularly difficult poo :aah:
  14. (Sorry for info-puking all over your profile, that was mostly me actually figuring out how my saving was going for myself. And look at that! It's totally looking promising! :biggrin2:)

  15. Jeez Louise, those snowmen are creepy.

    Anyway, I'm here to give my belated reply to the "hows the saving going?" question (because I didn't know then, but I checked today :naughty:)

    I have $600! I have a massive list of exactly what I need to bring and estimates of how much they will cost, and have been buying things as I see them for sale/ridiculously cheap. I think I have about $300-400 of stuff to buy left.

    My amount-of-money-I-need-to-save-estimate (inc. stuff to buy) is $2000, BUT my dad doesn't need me to pay him back for my flights right away, I just have to pay off $30 a month so he doesn't get extra fees or something. So it's actually $1500. And on Monday I will get $400 because (even after having them cancel it because I did this so many times) I forgot to report my earnings to centrelink 2 times in a row, and I will do that tomorrow ... if I remember.

    So then I'll have $1000 and a month left to make $500, which is how much I make in an average month :biggrin2:

    Also, I will get paid holiday leave for the first week or two (before they sack me for leaving, weird system :naughty:), and I still get centrelink the whole time I'm away, so then I will have enough moneys for Sydney/Melbourne :biggrin2:

  16. *initiate stalking*

    Your birthday is the same day as my brothers!

    *end stalking*


  17. Stalk stalk stalk stalk sturk sturk sturk.

  18. Metronidazole. Woo! That's a start! :groovy: And it's spelt right! (I copy and pasted :fisch:)

  19. Yeah, that's the one :naughty: At least I know how to pronounce it. There's one girl in my group who keeps calling it "fewmonia" and I feel like punching her in the face every time she says it. A bit harsh, I guess. But she just keeps on saying it and saying it and it's just ... so ... wrong!



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