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Oakie Doke

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Status Updates posted by Oakie Doke

  1. OH MY GOD! HOW AWESOME IS THAT! The song! The acoustic parts! The videos! Bryn's super tight mummy costume! HOW ****ING HOT IS BRYN'S SUPER TIGHT MUMMY COSTUME???!!!!! :stretcher:

  2. :shocked: Go and study!

    Look at the Kooks thread, I found some pictures :das: *goes to watch video obligingly*

  3. Funny you should say that, because when you wrote that I was actually off doing exactly that :naughty:

  4. *takes off her friendship bracelet and feeds it to the dog* :hmph:


    *throws uno cards back*


    *is glad you didn't charge $88 to look at my camera :naughty:*


    *thinks it's kinda creepy that mzee was just talking about the movie I watched this morning :shocked:*

  5. I don't get your caption thingy. Green?

  6. Hahahahahahaha! It's adorable! But unfortunately with it cut like that he doesn't look all that happy and it looks a bit mroe like a forced/scared smile. And it looks like he is slightly terrified of you and only giving you his AAA pass to avoid being tortured or smth. :think2:

  7. NO! Bad decision! Go and study today! I wont be home tonight, I am spending the night at Eliza's apartment. Which she has been asking me to do for like 6 months. But I haven't wanted to because by Eliza's apartment I really mean Eliza's stupid boyfriend's apartment :naughty: But I am so over doing nothing already. So I said yes. Oh and Jenny and Jeremy broke up this morning. And Jenny is moving in here. Which totally freaks me out because we don't really get along, and she will be totally crying a LOT and it will be weird and I am extremely glad that I already had the excuse that I was going to Eliza's house tonight and tomorrow. And Jenny is Margaret's daughter, incase you are now confused, and she has been married to Jeremy for like 6 years or something. :boxed:

  8. Ah yes, I was thinking about that thread just recently. I'll join you :cheerful_h4h:

  9. Ah, I meant to say - Thanks for your Christmas letter! Damn right it was a good start to the year! :biggrin2: *fangirls*

  10. Who's bedroom? I'm in mine :das: Are you in your's?

    And tell me about it. *goes to hunt him down*

  11. *misses 4once too* :naughty:

  12. Oh yeah, I noticed you now like the Mystery Jets?

  13. *msnslaps you* Well we will just have to film Luke to even it up :naughty: But actually Tanya's camera only lets you film in 30 second segments and with the 2gb card empty it only has space for 1.30 minutes, so I guess it will just be photos today :crybaby::naughty: Holy ****. Today! Holy ****, it's 1.10 :naughty: We were aiming for an 11.30 arrival :roftl: But that was at 3am last night, so I guess it's understandable that we are still farting around here.

  14. They sell Milka in Costa Rica :das: *fangurl*

  15. HOLY CRAP! Are you stalking me? I signed in like 20 seconds ago :roftl:

  16. If only I had hundreds to spend :tears:

    Haha, I actually have an agreement with myself that I can spend whatever spending money I have left over from Costa Rica on music paraphernalia. :groovy:

  17. Hahahahahahahahahahahahahaha! Yes, me too. Yeah, I think mine was $23.99, I usually round down :naughty: And LICM was $9 :no: And the stack of LiveICMs were facing outward with two measly PdPs next to them.

    I had a minor panic attack looking at the music DVD section because I couldn't find the Ms, but then I realised there was a second aisle :naughty::fisch:

  18. I didn't get it either :tears: My JB had only standard. For $23. And a massive stack of LiveICM's for $12 :naughty:

  19. Hahaha, okay then. Did you get a deluxe one btw?

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