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Oakie Doke

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Status Updates posted by Oakie Doke

  1. That's because I was extremely late to join *pbs*


    Yes, you may have texted me :lmfao:

    Okay, if you think she doesn't have it then it's a brilliant present :biggrin2:

    Wait to find out when the Kooks are one, maybe you can be front row sofa song and then move to the back later? i don't know, I've never expereinced a festival :shocked:

    I feel **** and stupid. I came home today at roughly 4, then had a long shower because I smelled strongly of pig ****. Then I came out at 4.30 and my dad was having dinner because he was going on night shift and he asked if I was hungry and I was like "sure, why not", I didn't have lunch anyway, and then I ate my dinner and then was like, yeah, I think I go and lie down for a second before I go online, and then I fell asleep. At 4.45ish. And didn't wake up until 9.00. So then I got into my pyjamas and tried to fall asleep for about an hour. Then I gave up and read Twilight for 3 hours. And then I caught up to where I am in Midnight Sun so I HAD to stop because I have to read Midnight Sun first to have the "what edward is thinking" knowledge. So then I spent another 2 hours trying to fall back asleep and now ... now I just got up and came into the study and turned on the computer (yeah, because I still havent got my laptop back), so now i am sitting up in a bright room and there is really no chance of me ever falling back to sleep. I shouldn't have gone to sleep in the afternoon :sneaky2:


    And my stupid dad. I specifically changed my computer into aa new account, my acount, and gave them my mobile numebr and told them to contact ME. Because my dad knows nothing at all about computers, and even less about MY COMPUTER. But then I come home and ifnd a note from my dad telling me I can pick upo my computer tomorrow. So I question him about it and of course he rung up the place (WHY???) and oh, so and so, it's really hard to fix the fan in a laptop because you have to pull all the parts out fo the laptop, and it takes really long so it costs lots of money, and then when the guy got to my fan he realised they dont have any of that fan and he needed to order it in, so my dad must have told him (WHY NOT ASK ME????) to put it back together so i can have ti back and bring it back when they have the part, because i "can't live a second without my laptop". HELLO? What the ****? No. I brought my ****ing computer there to have the fan fixed, not to be charged a ****ing large amount of money for ABSOLUTELY NOTHING to be done. And now it's already been doen, it's been put together, so i have no choice but to go (and it's NOT close, so i've already spent a bunch on petrol to bring it there) and pick it up tomorrow, and pay for it, even though they did nothing at all. AND I also wanted them to fix it being super slow lately, because when that happened last time it turned out to be really bad and they had to replace that whole expensive part or something. And the past week o so it has been totally freezing up as soon as i open too many windows or anything. But the guy told my dad it was just the CD that I had in the computer, which was apparently completely screwed up, and was causing the slowness, so all I had to do was take that CD out. Well thanks for that fantastic advice, but the CD in there is just a backup of some movies I downloaded on the weekend, I burnt that CD on Sunday, there is absolutely nothign wrong with it, AND MY COMPUTER HAS BEEN SLOW FOR OVER A WEEK BEFORE IT EXISTED. So thank you dad for talking to the computer repair person about something you know absolutely nothign about.

  2. And I got that Midnight Sun link from the Twilight thread :lmfao:

    And I always imagined Jane to look like Dakota Fanning because, well I read that Dakota Fanning would play "Jane" before I read New Moon :naughty:

  3. Wow, we should totally make a ukulele youtube collaboration. :shocked:

  4. Yes, I think I am member that number, btw.

    No, you shouldn't get her Twilight. It would be a completely **** present if she already had it. If you can't find out if she has it or not, then don't get it for her :naughty:

  5. Hellooo, lots of people are quite worried about our little elephant friend, it would by super fantastic if you could come by his thread and update us on him! :original: Thanks!

  6. Ooooooh, have a nice time at the wedding :biggrin2::naughty:

    When is Rock am Ring? :das::naughty:



    I now have tickets for Dylan Moran, Ross Noble and British India. And next week I will be adding The Grates to that list. Wow, I'm so happy about the Grates. I was JUST saying to Dani on the train on the way home how the band I MOST want to tour right now is the grates, and how we will go to ALL their WA shows when they do, and then when I arrived home there were offline messages from her ecstatically telling me the news.

  7. Arghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh. You are evil! Yes there is use in studying for an hour! But ... there is also use in reviewing Hugh for an hour. :think2: There is no use in checking your MFC profile for an hour though.

  8. Haha, that is pretty bad. I never noticed though. :smth: I guess my brain assumed it was a typo.

  9. I never noticed :crybaby: how were you spelling it?

  10. Hahahahaha.

    Well I think me not being sorry that you had such an awful dream yesterday and then being happy that I haven't had a dream that I remember in as long as I can remember caused ME to have an awful dream last night. I dreamed that I tried to do surgery on some cat and killed it and then everyone was like "why tf did you do that?" and I didn't know why :crybaby:

  11. No, you/we ARE insane and obsessed, just with someone else. There are people exactly the same as us to Mika on the Kooks forum, who are just their for friends/out of habit, and now consider the Kooks boring and are freaked out by the people who are obsessed with them. I hope it never happens to us with the kooks :boxed:

  12. I have no clue what you mean by Luke and hugh doing a the Holloways :blink:

  13. n, t jst lks lk sm ppl's txt mssgs :chrfl_h4h:

  14. You're annoying :sneaky2:

  15. OMG PETRA GO AND WATCH IT. WATCH IT. It is GOOD. Honestly. I totally fangirled. I'm excited for the album. And I forgive him for taking so long. He needs a long time to be able to do what he does. Is COMPLETELY different to the Kooks. There is just no way to compare Mika's music and the way it is produced to the Kooks. But it sounds good. At first, the gospel choir bit, I was like ":boxed: why does he always over use his stupid falsetto?" but the other songs are GOOD. He REALLY improved Rain. It has much better lyrics and lots of stuff going on in the background, and that last song "the clapping song" is really good. I like it. I feel wrong for saying it, but I like it.

  16. Thank youu! :wub2: *looks at luck jar* I'm going to need a bigger jar :blink:

  17. Seriously, try it. It even turned my I into a lower case. How retarded.

  18. Why can't i write in capitals???

  19. How odd. I wrote that message in capitals and it made it lower case when I posted it :blink:

  20. I care! Hurry up and do it immediately!

  21. Hahahaha wtf is there even to MQ in that thread?

    Yes, but I am also very lazy. It's empty now :naughty:

  22. I told you that :naughty:

  23. Hmm, but he IS doing this acoustic tour at some point, so he must be booked somewhere. But that Dublin one got taken down and stuff. Well, he's not coming to Australia at any rate so i'm not all that interested :naughty:

    Haha. That is EXACTLY what my mum said. And exactly what Margaret says. Aren't parents lovely? Why can't they just understand that you WILL get the **** away as soon as you've done your exam and you get a proper job at TAG/13 Artists. :mad3: And why can't they just leave us alone. Sheesh.

  24. :groovy:HAPPY BIRTHDAY! :groovy:










    (This isn't the "thing" I was planning, but I'm a chicken and ... um, you can have this instead)

  25. Leave it for something to look forward to when you get back from your exam or soemthing. It's quite long, like a full chapter :original:

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