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Everything posted by wolfs_cry

  1. mwhaahhha i can follow you everywhere and say HELLOOW!!!! to you...its ur siggy im adicted too
  2. I have the power of Mika behind me il be fine... kinda weird i have gained like 16kg in the space of 3 weeks and i hardly eat anything which is all healthy ,and my body just keeps gaining and gaining :S big girl you are beautiful atall
  3. aww thankooo sux, stupid doctors don't even no whats up with me, they no im ill but they dont no what with.... betcha im going to get sent away to scientists for them to test on me
  4. i want to go hoooome *cries* im feeling all sicky atm....stupid illness¬_¬
  5. lol all i know is that boy is a LEGEND!!..and THATS an understatement...no word really could describe Mika
  6. i dont understand it....wonder what it is about him that attracts soo many people from the insane asyllum mind you he's quite manic himself (that being an understatement!!)
  7. i loooved big break yeh TV wsa sooo omuch better back then...god bless SM:TV good things always gets ruined...as for the tamogotchi n digimon/pokemon faze well...*cough* *hides tamogotchi iunder bed....hides pokemon and digimon games for her DS*
  8. see i am the ultimate confuser and not right in the header aah see these fans that Mika attracts *eerie music* <--- music that could be playing in the background freeaky <---- kinda freaky my bday was the day u got married..
  9. hey im santa's elf over the christmas period lol
  10. Mika secretly sucks his thumb when he thinks no one is looking
  11. im qite tempted to do that wee mika captions book ....hmmm
  12. yeh i get called Avril (old her) all the time, mind you thats before my illness kicked in ¬_¬ grr stupid health hahah didnt stop me traveling to brixton when i was suposed to be going to the doctors and hospital
  13. seems like uve attracted a new type of customers...your bar is moving up!!! next you'l get Mika begging to come in
  14. uh i need to just get drunk to escape my reality *rolls eyes* i spend all night working on this stupid college project and i find out what i did is wrong...soo thats my assesment and my project......grand.... *begins gettin drunk*
  15. see theres a new craze started here Mika's picture story's *crosses off on list* next task a popup book!!
  16. its sooo stupid!!! i unno i like old rocky avril not new prancy girly avril bluch!! lol im just moany....lol any excuse to moan
  17. hmm i think we are on to something here it would be sooo awsome to make and to see his face!!
  18. that was ace!! not just one picture but a wee story we should soooo make a book of them all and send it to him
  19. wat to we think about Rachel Bilson (summer from the OC) or Avril Lavigne??
  20. hmm i always thought that willow n tara were a weird set up.. willow and buffy now THAT would be something id llike to see
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