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Everything posted by wolfs_cry

  1. the annoying thing is i dunno when that would be......
  2. *Thinks back to brixton gig* yeh i wish i enjoyed it when i was down there but i was toooo busy being ill and in a baad mood miss it now and can't stop smiling at the pictures online tempted to go to Amsterdam or Paris to go see him hmmmm but its a festival i think sooo he wouldnt be on for that long
  3. soo then my imaginary posting buddy how are u.... your good are u....great...im pleased ur great... hmmm now bob (imaginary friend) should i play pokemon on my DS ooor do my college work? bearing in mind i have 3 masssive projects due for monday and im really no where near completed...hmmm whats that bob?? u say i shoudl what!?!? stop what im doing get my sherlock and spy/ninja outfit on and hunt mika down?? well ... alrite then....il do that!!!
  4. http://www.ticketzone.co.uk/indevent.cfm?groupcode=CO008&CFID=320431&CFTOKEN=56263301 yeh brixy is sold out but theres liverpool :s
  5. just a random thought that just popped into my head.. what if mika pretends to be someone on here and posts daily...like he has disguised himself as a female MFC'er...no one would suspect.....hmmmm
  6. it is indeed the legendary king of the mod's himself!!!! can't wait seeing him in october
  7. altho sometimes i feel it encorouges these obsessive thoughts even more
  8. well its an excuse not to work if ur working this weekend also gives us an excuse to sit on here all day
  9. im currently experiencing them in Scotland...seems like u get all the nasty weather after we do sloppy seconds weather wise ... its always sunny down there when its rainy up here grrr when i was down for brixy it was sunny and as soon as i set foot in Scotland gails and rain and hail and well u get the picture
  10. SCOTLAND!!!! may be cold Mika but hey i could warm u up toook me ages to figure out what he was looking at...realise now he has a parrot on his arm...darn parrot wish it was me
  11. we may not be sayin it but i can all bet we're thinking it
  12. yeh thats wat im always worried about lol i just shut up and go to happy land with my thoughts about Mika lol ...
  13. yes Mika keep telling yourself that.....thats what we want u to think
  14. I NO!!! damn Mika and his ridiculously gorgeous good looks..its the smile...the eyes...uh lets face it its EVERYTHING!!! hmm there seems to be alot more topless pictures kicking about on this thread recently...not like im implying them to stop
  15. i remember in my ounger days i went to a concert and started drinking at like 7am....yeh i dont really remember much of that gig....wow thats 12 hours drinking.....i remember a drunk ran off with my vodka...hahah was only 16!!!!
  16. *cries* noobody wants to talk to the local drunk.... *begins drowning her sorrows with this bottle of alkymahol* lol
  17. OMG !! you design websites!!!! guess what im doing riiiiite now!!! hahah
  18. thats kinda sad i leave college and there is no more messages hahah start again where i left off...ahhh home sweet home....mind you college still haunts me with my oobers of work to do... whhyy!!! *crys*
  19. woooo made it to 200 hard to believe that a day ago i only had 79....woooo im a mika forum whore!!!...*looks at other peoples post counts...*...khmm maybe not
  20. i think everyone is ill today...should rename the bar the hospital or doctors
  21. sorry didnt see you there...didnt mean to drunkingly punch you
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