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Everything posted by LadyGodiva

  1. lol, are you sure you're okay? It seems like that would hurt:naughty: Well, Over My Shoulder is a very entrancing song=]
  2. oh, so he did switch to the correct winner. go Mika=]
  3. haha- not bad!!! I'll do it fast and see what happens. my nZmes isz lAuraLAi --- the space bar and the A or Z go together.
  4. I am talented at typing with my elbows =] ^ and that only took 30 seconds baby. Maybe it's easier because i'm an a laptop. lol...is there a world record for this? I think i might be sort of elbow self-councious now though...
  5. 10 seconds?? give or take maybe i just have pointy elbows.... anyhoo, i'll be sure to put this on my resume under "special skills"...
  6. Well, it had a bit about his background/childhood, and on the road like stuff with interviews. Maybe this one will have that too, but i wouldn't think he would want it much the same as the LICM DVD. That would be the only difference i would think of... He better know we need it here! haha=] I've got my hopes way up
  7. Lauralai clearly i have a newly found talent:bleh: Even got he shift right:naughty:
  8. I hope you are right! The only reason i could think of for it not to be released here first is that this might not include background info and on the road stuff because it mainly focuses on a performance in France. But I think Mika knows that his north american fans would go mad if he did something like that to us! you bet i will =P Thanks!!
  9. I hope it's released here! But if not, then i'm sure i'd love to take you up on that offer! Good god, i hope so, or else somebody is going to get their arse kicked:naughty:
  10. Before i get too excited, i'm just wondering if anybody knows if the DVD will be released all over (in my case, including US) or just Europe...?
  11. It wasn't Lebanon, it was Syria- Apamea, Syria. *sigh* I would never have guessed that. I think i'll brush up on my geography now...
  12. not gonna lie, it's tempting =P but i'll refrain.
  13. I think a girl already got it,so i won't put it down=P but people aren't putting their e-mail in the comment field:boxed:
  14. 1. When? Last January 2. How did you know where to go? Did you ask anyone? If i were you i would get to the venue early so you can scout out the stage door- then you'll know right where to sprint to when the show is over=] 3. What happened? (TELL YOUR STORY!) He was very very very polite and nice. He tends to look straight into your eyes when you talk to him or vice versa.(they're purdy eyes, you'll have no problem staring right back =P) Talked for a minute or so etc, etc. and i gave him some things and got a very nice piccie. 4. Was it difficult to meet him? Good god no! but i will say, that for me it was the first time in my life where i have been shy- And i find it to be a hugely irritating place for that to happen haha, i hope nobody could tell too much.... 5. How long did you wait? an hour maybe? It varies. 6. Does he often stay after to meet people? What is allowed?(pics,autographs, hugs?) Depends on how he is after she show. They tend to wear you out, especially when you have a string of tours, so often he is very tired. If there are only a few people waiting for him and he's well, you might get a pic and such, but if there are many people,or he isn't feeling well, then he may just thank the crowd and take gifts, or sigh stuff and say hello. 7. How many people are allowed to meet him? Can I do something to make sure I get back there? (tell the guards anything) Usually, when he meets fans, its out of a back stage door and who ever is in the crowd waiting will receive what he is willing to lay out that night. He has done a few meet and greet type things though, and usually you get a wrist band for that- or so I hear...=] Oh, and in my experience, security guards aren't the least bit helpful. Probably more hindering, but hey, that's just my pov. 8. WHAT ARE MY CHANCES OF MEETING HIM?!?! If you wait for him outside probably pretty good as long as there aren't a bazillion screaming people there! Celebrities are often like bunnies, if you don't scare them, they'll eventually come out of their hole:bleh: 9. ANYTHING ELSE I SHOULD KNOW IN ORDER TO MEET HIM??? Just be happy and try to be calm=] He's very nice and generous and does the best he can to please everybody. Oh, and good luck! =D
  15. lol, well that's unfortunate, seeing as this was about two inches tall. Q mag tends to do him more justice. The regular one is bigger and better but also more expensive, oh well. although teen vogue is less daunting:naughty: Luckily, I don't have to pay for it because my sister has a mysterious subscription to it that she never paid for. But hey, it doesn't bother me:biggrin2:
  16. That so completely mad! But i cas't help laughing so much! oh dear god, brilliant in a twisted way. Oh, and it seems Mika's voice has changed a bit....perhaps a twist on the new album....=P I love it
  17. Good=] Thank you. The last one i saw was the to-fu doll one on youtube haha (so amazing! they toy i mean, but Mika is nice too:naughty:). I wouldn't want to miss out on a blogblog though.
  18. oi, it's still not working for me =[ Please say there are no new blogs? I have to leave in an hour and i probably won't be back till 2:boxed:
  19. I haven't been able to get onto MS for a few hours- but i was on this morning and early afternnoon....am I the only lonely one with this problem?
  20. Here it is, hope nobody minds me posting it=P Buy it if you wish =] Oh, and sorry about part of the article being cut off, it doesn't say anything about Mika though.
  21. Naw it's not really worth it if you're getting it just for Mika(well, imo anyways) because it's a pic we've all seen, i'll post a pic if you want though.
  22. ooh, i have that one, but i haven't looked through it yet....now i will! Thanks!
  23. I get it tonight!!!! yayayayayayayay!!!!!
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