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Everything posted by iadoremika

  1. I know...I've tried singing Mika's songs and although I know all the words I feel so embarassed at what my voice sounds like:blush-anim-cl: My voice is pretty bad. But I don't care because I sing/hum/dance along anyways. But there is a new SingStar game coming out and Mika's "Big Girl (You Are Beautiful) is going to be on it!!! I can't wait...me...singing along with Mika...on a game...AMAZING!!!
  2. I think people should start covering Mika's music:naughty:
  3. You too?!? I'm in Canada (same DVDs I guess) and I noticed that as well. I can't seem to find it either...
  4. That would be cool ha ha:roftl: I'm still waiting for the day that I actually get to take a photo with Mika. My lifelong dream (besides just the sheer fact of meeting Mika) is to be a Lollipop Girl...it looks like so much fun!!!
  5. Ooooooo...I remember that now. I saw that thread. But that would be pretty amazing wouldn't it?
  6. No- because I'm a loser and don't have Photoshop on my computer. But if I did...Photoshopping me next to Mika would be one of the first things saved:naughty: Do you think Ugg boots are still in style?
  7. I would so take that class!!! And I would ace it for sure...wait I would teach that class:naughty:
  8. Hmmm...sweat...doesn't smell so good. But if I was ever that close to Mika, I honestly don't think that I would care. PS: You are so lucky to have been on stage with Mr M:naughty:
  9. You went to school with Russel Peters!!! That is so amazing!!! He is one of my most favourite comedians of all time along with Ellen DeGeneres, Jeremy Hotz and a few others. I wonder what he was like at school...
  10. So true, so true. I do this on a regular basis. I seriously pick out the smallest, most random, unrelated piece of conversation and then talk for a couple minutes about Mika because it sounded like something that reminded me of him.
  11. I know!!! Not even "WHO is Mika?" but "WHAT IS A MIKA?" Are you kidding me?!? I growl and explain to them the legacy we call...Mika:naughty:
  12. Stuck in the Middle- Mika "Hiccup"...if you went to or ever saw videos of SITM at the Kool Haus in Toronto, you will know what that means...
  13. That annoys me so much!!! But what annoys me even more is when people say, "what is a Mika?" I'm like what the hell...
  14. I thought of this one myself... play songs from "Life in Cartoon Motion" and then stop them part of the way through and keep singing to hear like what we sound like... What do you think?
  15. You know what? Those people at school don't even deserve your time...you're too good for them. As for what I think of when I look at Mika... - how gorgeous and talented the man is - think about his caring and wonderful personality - his contagous giggle/laughter - being a Lollipop Girl...that is my lifelong dream!!! I really hope it happens someday...I seriously think about it everyday - how, even though I don't have the best self confidence, that he and his music have made me a better person
  16. That is so awesome!!! The closest thing like that that happened to me was: I called up the radio station (Mix 99.9) a little while back because they were taking requests. So, I actually got through!!! Excited because the line is usually busy and I never get through...So the DJ answered the phone and asked me what my request was. So I said, "Can I request "Grace Kelly" by Mika?" And he said, "Sure, we haven't heard that one in a while". I know, I know...it's just Mika doesn't get much radio time here in Canada. Anways...I was so proud of myself!!! I waited and waited for the song to be played and it finally came on...I knew it was my request!!! I was so EXCITED...I ran around telling my family that my request got played on the radio. Wow...I'm still excited about that one:naughty:
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