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Everything posted by LA_fashionista

  1. I am to blame as well... but you'll never catch me. *escapes in her Stalker Plane*
  2. There should be a "word of the day" for the novice french speakers here... One of the teachers should post a word with a picture of what it is, and use it in a sentence. It is easiest to learn a language the way a child would learn it for the first time, like those Rosetta Stone program thingys. For example: la lune La lune est belle ce soir. The moon is beautiful tonight.
  3. I think I have actually seen that one already.. yeah the channel crossing, and they make it Jeremy's pickup.
  4. Oh god, i know. That was difficult to watch.... *shudders* And hearing some of his interviews afterward talking about it all... I wish that the 11th series had been longer. Is it coming back in the next few months or in the spring?
  5. Isn't that Seth Green's show? I've never seen it myself... heard about it though.
  6. Yeah, it's one of my fave programmes actually. *doesn't admit to having a tiny crush on Richard Hammond* No really though, I do like cars and the show is just hilarious. love it.
  7. vampires:naughty: yes, and then in the morning, I'll look like a zombie I don't think I'll be on that late this time... maybe 1 or something. I'm just watching a Top Gear repeat on tv and catching up on that whole mikasounds "blog drama"
  8. Yep *relaxes on beany bag while you serve the snacks* Mfc's quiet at the moment... must be twilight zone time. I can't believe I stayed up till 4 in the morning yesterday on here. lol
  9. Hey FD *takes snacks and some decaf coffee* Decaf for me, since it's still nighttime. *plops down on bean bag*
  10. Je suis tres fatigué... Je suis comme un zombie. I'm off to sleep.. finally. Ciao! (yes I used italian in the french class thread.)
  11. I asked: Why are we still awake at 4 in the morning? She said: I don't know. And you? I said: I am crazy. LOL
  12. *sees clock* pourquoi sommes-nous encore éveillée à 4 heures du matin?
  13. OK bits of it are starting to lload, but it's not showing a new blog...
  14. Salut tout le monde! Est-ce que la leçon va bien? I'd like to be part of the class. My french could always use improvement.
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