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Everything posted by LA_fashionista

  1. I only just found out about this little contest thingy a few minutes ago... so you're not as late as me.
  2. a film? you mean that nicolas cage one? ... I dunno nevermind. lol:bleh:
  3. I don't think I would mind either. *struggles to remember what rain looks like*
  4. *wishes you could go too* I almost started to type this with my elbows... I forgot which thread this was.
  5. if i stand up over my cmputer, its easier to hit onbe key at a time;.
  6. ok, maybe a bit. I didn't click on the smiley with my elbow. lol
  7. Hey FD Are you "California dreamin" at the moment? Wish you could come to the LA meet-up... were going to the beach.
  8. OK, here goes: Aqwshley... waas thatr bad? (not with elbows): I haven't seen this thread before, it's um different... lol:bleh:
  9. I think meeting at a restaurant will be good. The mexican one looks fine, but I'm not that fussed... whatever you guys choose. Where exactly do people park around there with all the crowdedness? Do you think it will be completely impossible to find a place?
  10. Oh. I hope you get in where you want to go. I'm doing alright. Been busy the last couple weeks. Things are calming down now. The bar thread has been so quiet... without all of us drunks here to cause trouble.
  11. I am here! I was just having some wine, waiting for someone to pop in. *relaxes on her beany bag* How's it going?
  12. Hey The bar is just dead lately..... *sees ghost haunting the bean bags* Come on everybody! Who would've thought everyone would sober up all of a sudden? *pours wine*
  13. First or all, your siggy is hilarious! Love it. Secondly, about the Costco discounty thingies, that would be perfect if somebody could get some extras for people(me included )... but if not, how much is it to "do stuff" on the pier if you pay there?
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