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Everything posted by LA_fashionista

  1. I was going to ask the same thing ... but maybe I'll just have to get my own. Oh why not? EDIT: Just saw your post.
  2. I'm fine. Just listening to the news a bit... they're still on about earthquake stuff. Was it bad where you are?
  3. I wasn't really fazed by the shaking/swaying... So how is everyone?
  4. Lobby.... just to see if you could get away with it. lol Halloween(s) socks or bedroom slippers?
  5. CDs definitely. *posts random wikipidia info to explain her choice* "MP3's use of a 'lossy compression algorithm' is designed to greatly reduce the amount of data required to represent the audio recording and still sound like a faithful reproduction of the original audio for most listeners, but is not considered high fidelity audio by audiophiles." (As you can see, I'm very bored. ) Spider bite or bee sting?
  6. Oh god .... eels. Criss Angel or Harry Houdini?
  7. Car um, plane. Bike Shorts or Kilt? (random, but I don't think it's been asked.)
  8. mint chocolate chip Birthday presents or Christmas presents? (I'm not sure what the difference is either.... )
  9. what? ... eyebrow. lol iPod Classic or iPod Touch?
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