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Pam Travers

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Everything posted by Pam Travers

  1. oh thats nice@kelz, but dont worry its more than over now, burried and over plusi dont mind about people disliking me, i think i even quite enjoy it actually,lol oh glad you like it, thats from timbiskup, but many other artists do the same kind of work oh and check this, i like them, the booze boxes from tbiskup too and from someone else and just for fun,lol ps:tthats nott luke JUBY, thats another one just in case
  2. aaaaaawwwww you have to come here and tell your little friends, how cute of you! yes thats true and thats ME who "complained", i found it so SO ridiculous that you were all so devastated because mika was using LOL, whats wrong with that and then the day after when he hahaed, you were feeling like you had dictated him what he had to say,oh god! so are you happynow fmsomething, i posted it here, so now all your little friends can jumpon me since those are all people who "strongly dislike" me I posted in the other thread because it was more friendly there, its not a fight i wanted but some comprehension plus i didnt want to parasite this very thread but now that i come here and see that, lets face it, no one really cares and is talking about everything and anything, so i will use it for my own personal conv too @VS, yesterday, im sorry, i was so busy wasting my time that i missed one of your greatest post, it was too late to thank you when i saw it and i was kind of disgusted about it, this is really nice what you did, i mean you know that i miss gretas pics and stuff and you bothered to post one and one of my favourites above all, so thanks!! and one for you from someone else and one for everybody
  3. but you mean that at school if someone takes out a mini bottle, only the girls go "aaaaaaaaaaawwwwwwwww" and not the boys???? how strange!!!lol! there must be an xplanation behind that:naughty:
  4. really? i didnt know, but i must admit its true for me! why i sthat so??? I mean that girls like it?
  5. so true. would it have been so hard to hire a clone of Ludwig to please me?? i dont thi nk so, just a question of will. imagine someone who likes the calm of cold castles surrounded by noisy people dressed up in mices with little kids all around: a nightmare, im telling you.
  6. yep i meant Neuschwanstein. lmao!!! you no wat thats kind of the opposite for me, i was in disneyland and i had been told that they had made a replica of Neuschwanstein and i was really excited and then Mickey was everywhere and the castle had nothing to do with the original one!!
  7. yeah...but they forgot something really important though.... LA MAYONNAISE!!!!
  8. lol! its much more interesting, innit? hey i thought you were out for jogging...btw since you live in Bavaria, do live far from ludwig´s castles?
  9. ive been banned once and then they apologised... whatever its history, and some people actually do get along with me, and i feel very lucky because TO ME they are the most interesting people here. and thats ok you dont have to TRY to be nice with me if you dont feel like it, but thanks for the effort, though i didnt notice it at all. now i hope we will move on, at least i will... nite babs!
  10. Yes OF COURSE TO ME, who else?? look, we really really dont get along you and me, at all, so from now on, i propose you not to talk to each other anymore: because this is very useless and uninteresting.
  11. lol, no,no, she is not, i mean we are friends on facebook and i saw her two days ago , we were disgusting about the prices of the flights to beirut etc...but hey maybe she got some money and flew, i dunno
  12. well...then i feel sorry for him because thats the least interesting thread on here
  13. have you seen greta lately???btw i honestly dont think that mika reads the mfc!!!! oh god, get realistic, thats a bunch of stupidity and the guy is in Beirut!!!
  14. actually yes we should change@forums, but im not going to let go, i dont care about what they like or not and i dont read what people say about me neither, i couldnt care less, no need to be psychic to no they hate me, even the mods, lets remember that ive been banned once and received 678909 infractions for insulting other members when i was being an angel and was the one to be insulted, but i really dont care now, christine is a mod too so thats ok and greta when she is here thats cool and you and the people in the chinese thread have great pics and now mika post great pics too etc. anyway are you friends on a different forums? i mean jack and stuff?
  15. well its going to piss you off, it worked for me...they dont like the fact mika is using LOL, and now he uses HAHA and they say he is doing it for them...but hey it might be quite true you know... yeah i dont really belong to this thread at all, i just pop in sometimes for you, but i can imagine you are missing your clique...im so much of a solitary...where are they gone btw??? but i miss someone too...GRETA WTF R U???? she is not even on facebook, i know she would have posted interested ppics in my plastic thread and in the food thread, when she is not there there is NO ART here, so we all miss someone apparently
  16. you know im started to think thta it was all a joke because there is NO SUCH THINGS in the videos, OR we really dont see the same!!!
  17. Im quite ok with your precis u know but honestly you should read the blog, the little videos you know , they are amazing, little treasures,really ...i dont like all the talk going around them here, but thats pure happinness, i hope he didnt stop using "LOL" for people here, it would be ridiculous and yeah someone was making more noise than mika is doing during his own concerts,lol and as he couldnt sleep as usual, it didnt help, then he came back to say that he still couldnt sleep, honest thats totally kool!
  18. I would borrow a guitar and sing love today under his balcony:lmao: nah, i dont htink so, maybe i would make noise like this bastard yesterday night to catch his attention....no, not my type, i dunno, i think i would come here to tell you,lol
  19. well i dont know if i can say it here but...ok, you remember my cousin from varsovia?the one who made me listen to i gave it all away, he told me some news today, no idea if its true or not but...do you all remember the cover of the man who sold the world from bowie? well mika said it had been very inspirational to him and thats why he wanted to do a very similar picture for his next album but as he want to evolve with the times, he said that the dress wouldnt be silk but (guess what...) !!! do you like it, or do you think its a very bad idea???
  20. look at this!!! and this is real!!! NO PLASTIC!!!can you actually believe this!!!??? i was looking for miniature plastic food and found this randomly, the woman said that after they cooked it [ the hamburger] they shared it and ate it,lol, and look at the mini fries!!! thats the cutest thing ever!!!
  21. I CANNOT WAIT, lol since the food thread is my favourite thread here and you pictures are always so great!!! plus i ahve sthg to post in the food thread too!!! youll see its really cute!!!
  22. yeah I LOVE LOVE the idea too! plus thats beautiful, more beautiful than a pic of celine....uh...dyon, dion or something, though it would perfectly illustrate the concept of fakeness:bleh:
  23. so following the idea of fake and stuff something different, the anatomy of a jelly bear
  24. well, no, not yet , you were the last person who didnt and it really saddens me to read those words, typed with your little hands, in fact, it breaks my f*cking heart!!nice work:mf_rosetinted: you know in my plastic thread im also posting about fake stuff, i should post a pic of her´since the whole world agrees on her fakeness
  25. oh and btw i hate celine dion, once i saw this documentary about her and it was just pretty scaring, she didnt talk all day long because of the singing at night, she is just such a robot, everything seems so fake about her, even when she cries ist always so terribly fake and melodramatic in such a fake way. did i say she was fake? and once i heard her talking about his fans and she was so SO condescendant!!! she said something like: "oh my god poor people, they have to live in 60 M2 flats and they still love me, how moving" and then she dropped a fake tear and I was toatlly shocked.
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