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Everything posted by superstar

  1. alright!

    I am actually writing you from a boat to portland where we'll pick up therental car and drive on up to canada. I'll either call you tonight when we get in, or tomorrow morning if it s too late.see you soon!

  2. Hey Guy! What's the plan? ;)

  3. Leaving home tomorrow -- we'll be in Montreal next weekend! It's crazy to know that this time next week ... I'll be eating Timbits ! ! ! Au revoir Austin, bonjour Montreal!
  4. superstar


    MGMT is playing at FunFunFun fest in Austin in November, and I wanna go! I have to wait until student discount passes go on sale ...
  5. :roftl: I love the "I'm a boy!" taz in your signature. :lmfao:
  6. I'm still waiting on my Mika sig ... my sister was supposed to get our copy of TBWKTM signed, but of course, being the in face of the master, it slipped her mind .. It's like the Sirens, but visual ....
  7. I'm gonna say ... August 10th, the caribbean, coconut rum sangria is on me. I'll be wearing a green hula skirt, so make sure your outfit doesn't clash.


    Yes? :wub2:

  8. BRITTANY! I love and miss you so very much. Mrry me plz thx.

  9. How are you, Karin? I miss you!

  10. I am from Texas -- it's summertime here, which means no school (yay!) but work and LOTS of heat. It's like a furnace! Almost 100 F ! I work at a check cashing store, so most of my time is spent cashing checks or knocking around with friends when I'm off work.


    Now tell me about yourself! Where are you from? What are you up to?

  11. Haha, you beat me! I just found this one too. to compare: Lookin' good, Mika!
  12. They remind me of those palm tree glasses from 2007. There's a picture of him wearing them with that rainbow angel shirt (black) and purple skinnies. Maybe I'll go find it. Awesome report, Marianne! I'm just trying to wrap my mind around Mika + MFCers in a sauna ... :drools: We'd better get plenty of pictures! Thanks tons and tons for the report. Now go to bed, missy!
  13. I AM SO EXCITED HOLLY! Cross your fingers for the next tour! And if he goes to Florida instead of Texas ... I may have to jump across the 'states to ya. :naughty:

  14. Hello spoony! Very nice of you to check in! I am doing very well, how are you? :teehee:

  15. HOLLLY i was just thinking about you. CONGRATS GIRL, you made it! ! !

  16. I use Kayak.com, which gives tons of prices to choose from. If I'm flying domestically, Southwest is usually the cheapest option if you book ahead of time. American Airlines is so bleh, I hate honey-roasted peanuts and the grey color scheme. Anyways, back to Canada ....
  17. GUY! I would ABSOLUTELY LOVE to see you/any other Canadians you can wrangle up. We're going to arrive in Quebec Friday night (the 13th! ) and leave Sunday the 15th afternoon. If there is any time in there that you or other MFCers are available, myself and my sister (77red) would be beyond excited! POUTINE! I have always wanted poutine. Do they make it in a flavor of maple? Christine! I was hoping you or Mana would be in the neighborhood, but if you're not I guess we can just go cry to ourselves and gorge on Tim Horton's donuts. Honestly, I miss my Canadians like crazy! We have to meet up next tour, okay? Or maybe I can hide in your suitcase if you go to Europe between now and then Nono and I were looking at flights earlier this month and it was in the $270s to get from Texas to California in late August. It's all about picking the right airline and planning far enough ahead. Flight shopping is a really bad habit of mine. I'll go on and search, and then be like "ooh, it's so cheap to get to NYC/California/Canada/the Caribbean, etc." Bad habit . Someday that willpower to not click the "purchase" button will fail me.
  18. Hi iMMa, how is it going? :wub2:

  19. We're coming to Montreal! We are going to be in Maine for our cousin's wedding, and so we thought we'd slip up and see the sights while we're so far North. By the way -- what's the weather like? It's about 103 (F) here, so we are definitely not prepared .... And GUY! Don't tempt me! Now I'm not 18, but if I can guess, Canadians know how to party ...
  20. HEY, CANADIANS! 77red and I are coming to Quebec in mid-August! We are more than thrilled to return to the Great White North: land of beavers and maple and loons (both the birds, and the people) ) I thought I'd post a tidbit (did someone say TIMBIT?) about it on MFC, just to let all of our MFC friends know. If anyone wants to grab a bite at Tim Horton's or go chop down some maple trees with us, just let me know! Here's a joke that Mana told me .... Why are is American beer like having sex in a canoe? They're both f#cking close to water! (okay, well, I don't remember it exactly )
  21. HAHAHA, one minute "what happens?" the next, quoting the episode. Ohhh nono, I love ya.


    I just finished episode 5, time for Kira to go to bed. It's just soooo sweeeet. :wub2:

  22. UM, Mikey goes in drag (helllooooo) and kisses his boss, and then Brian and Justin dance. Basically ... :wub2:

  23. Okay, so I just finished the pride episode. OH, MY, GOD. :drool:

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