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Everything posted by S&M

  1. Thanks for the link. A Celine Dion-esque ending? Whereabouts were you guys? I'm glad you had a good time.
  2. Oops, should have added 'or lack thereof'. I initially read it as "a sleazy bar full of medical interns" to which my reaction was ":das:". And Teegs, I agree with the others. If you've been following their instructions and you're still in severe pain then ask for something else - be it stronger medication or further investigation.
  3. I have the mental image of a bar full of sleazy interns. I'm going to embark on a quest to find them!
  4. I'm fine with articles on his sexuality or past being printed, in a post-modern world it would be a non-issue but we don't live in one. What I don't like is the way that they've misrepresented what he said and formed their own conclusions. It's poor, choppy journalism.
  5. Monica Lewinski bars. OMG, that sounds amazing. They don't sell them anymore, do they?
  6. The first thing I thought when I saw that photo was 'he looks like an icecream'. When your fashion sense starts to make you look like packaged frozen cream on a stick you might want to take stock. (And in a semi-related note: I SEE A MONACO BAR. Mmmm.)
  7. S&M


    You suck. But not as much as France who got SEVEN new dates. They suck the most.
  8. Patrick recently won the NewNowNext award for Best International Crossover. Woohoo. Have fun and report back.
  9. S&M


    When I heard that they'll be touring Australia early next year I near exploded, so who knows what will happen when they actually announce dates and then when I actually buy a ticket... and then, goodness, when I'm actually there!
  10. Went to the recording of Lily Allen's performance on Rove, had to wait for ages ft. an annoying security guy who kept on shouting out "who needs the bathroom?", and a lady he became friendly with (). Lily looked cute but, um, rather hungover. She did 'Not Fair' (twice) and '22'. She's growing on me.
  11. Ah, the quality is much better. I like the subtle '...which must be watched'. Might as well have also added '*winkwinknudgenudge*...OR ELSE'. I'll also say... if I were Mika and watched that DVD I'd be concerned about the sanity of the Australian fans I attract.
  12. Because I have exams and wouldn't be allowed to go.
  13. Deconstruction, Kelzy and Soangel are all comfily settled in Melbourne. Lily tomorrow.
  14. Ssssssssssss Burrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrn. Go get laid.
  15. Okay, that last post is just disturbing.
  16. Oh my goodness. That's never to see the light of day.
  17. Hmmm, I think DC could give them a run for their money. I could too, when the mood strikes.
  18. Cool! Let me know when it arrives for you, I've had problems with mail in the past and I'm hoping it doesn't get delayed for me again.
  19. I got the same email today and I did order the hard copy EP. Btw, did anyone else order the hard copy other than me and DC? 'Don't give a crap fangurl' is the better way to deal with Mika, you'll be disappointed less often. In the meantime I'd rather we support people who actually tour here such as Lilly Allen and, heck, some people like P!nk even claim to 'love' coming here.
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