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Everything posted by mika_smiles

  1. i'v got a new account cause i thought of another better username which i really like now but i'v been waiting for a week and this activation thing isn't going through can i delete this account so i can get a new account and use my email address for my new one. hope i make sence.
  2. I'm gona buy some shoes then draw on them!!!!!
  3. he was in a show called Balls of Steel he'd come running on stage.
  4. i thought it was, but then i thought it was mika's brother i had a huge crush on him untill mika came along
  5. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BlTCElZYDTQ&feature=related here it is
  6. oppps :roftl: so sorry i'll try and find the vid. again
  7. in this vid. at exacly 01:00mins the guy on the left who is that?
  8. or here http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3sE459VD0EA&feature=related
  9. heres MIKA with hiccups soooo cute http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fHYenBprQKY&feature=related
  10. i'v searched google nothing i remember seeing them in the photo part of the mfc? but i can't seem to find any?
  11. i made a board before but i had to go, now i can't find my board i was wondering if there is a way to search apart from google, mfc gallerys or the big thread of mika pics
  12. i wish i was older i'm never gonna be a lollipop girl. i'm only nearly 13 5 years and mika might of gone on to different things with music
  13. I don't have a camera i'll be getting one soon though so i can't post a pic of my ninja mika.
  14. i'd love to be a lollipop girl it's one of my dreams to be one!!!
  15. hello!!!!!!! and to the MFC i'm also 12 hope you have a great time i know i do.
  16. i have a blue one with little diamonds, i don't like it much, it's a ninja called MIKA i couldn't help name it after him
  17. what a cute name, i wouldn't dare take mine to school
  18. thanks my pic seemed to disapare (spelling sorry)
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