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Status Updates posted by riverstwilight

  1. seriously, we should both be in bed! :D

  2. I get emo when I haven't been eating enough. So I just needed some food. It's all good now :D

    I don't get actual panic attacks, but I do panic frequently when I'm in cars. Public transit is much less scary, despite the scary people ;)

  3. It was at the time. Now I've had something to eat and am much more mellow. I knew I needed food when I went all emo.:naughty:

  4. Nah, I was just worried I'd have to wait until tomorrow to get a response :D

  5. Just because I like you and I felt like it....and to cover the fact that I was stalking you while waiting to see if you'd respond to my post :naughty:

  6. Thank you! I was so worried I was sounding pedantic/pretentious. Glad to hear it was enjoyable :)

  7. That is seriously the best stop motion video in the contest. Well worth the wait! I LOVE IT! It was the first thing I saw this morning, so it started my day off on a much needed happy note :huglove:

  8. I think emotions are high, so people are reading things with the worst tone in their head instead of realizing that the person was probably "speaking " in a softer tone. I'm typing with my eyes closed and glancing at the screen sideways. I want to keep up with the discussion, but I'm so far past needing to call it quits at this point. Here's hoping that a solution can be found that will satisfy everybody.

  9. That is high praise and very much appreciated! Thank you so much!


    Now, I must go rest my eyes because this site really is too much for me.

  10. I don't have any characters over 60 because I refused to play Burning Crusade. Ok, I got Astrid to 62 becuase I actually TRIED to like Burning Crusade, but I hated it. I never even bought Wrath of the Lich King.


    I still miss Molten Core. :tears:

  11. WoW FTW!!! I played on Shadowsong from launch until about a year ago. My main was a gnome named Astrid, who had server-wide notoriety for being the only member of the guild and pwning leet face in a raid dungeon. Nobody had higher damage with less threat than I did.


    I spent my last year soloing an orc hunter through undead territory in order to get the undead mount at lvl 40. (OMG I am SUCH a geek.)

  12. Life happens. It's really no problem. Take care of yourself :D

  13. almost never turn it on, but I do have it :)

  14. This was a good excuse to not only face, but entirely destroy my insecurities. First time I saw myself dance, I cried. I took a day off. When I looked a second time it wasn't so bad. I found some moves I really liked. Then, the editing took off from there. It was so fun seeing how many clips I liked. I hope you have as much fun making your video :D

  15. Go with your gut. Trust yourself. If you need to stop, it's ok to stop. You don't HAVE to do this. Go with the fun and see what happens. I think it's going to be lovely and wonderful because you are. :)

  16. Sleep well! I think it's a good thing he didn't give more direction because it gave everybody the freedom to find their own interpretation of the song. And I don't mind that your preference is for someone else's video. B!anka's video is excellent. If your preference had been for a video I didn't like, I might question your taste, but I certainly wouldn't take it personally :D

  17. Yeah, but was it any good :naughty:

  18. Mine was the second most recent entry the last time I checked. I've been working very hard not to post the link every single time I post because I haven't talked about anything else for weeks and I'm quite sure I've bored everybody with it. I still like watching my video. It makes me laugh every single time.

  19. Thank you! I hope you are enjoying the videos too. They are very fun! I check http://www.mikasounds.com/wearegolden every day for new ones.

  20. Yeah, I didn't really have anything to add to the Mika molestation, so I've been lurking the thread waiting for a new twist. I don't have any stories to share at this time, but I am working on writing something specifically for Mika. Found a journal with a very bright cover that I bought a few years ago and it's PERFECT for him. If I can fill it up before Oct. I'll give it to him in Seattle.

  21. The one good quote I can rewrite: I acknowledge that I cannot directly choose how I feel, but I can directly affect how I feel with the choices I make.

  22. I have a friend, who is always scolding me for deleting stuff I write. Now, she's not the only one, so I've created a backup folder for stuff I delete so that even if I delete it from a public space, I still have a copy in case somebody else was wanting to see it again. (And yeah, I'm actually regretting it this time because I haven't been able to re-write them the way I usually can.)

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