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Everything posted by pianogirlsammy

  1. Yeah lies..... sent in the three, but once again, I dont think 2 Question Marks is ready yet. I wrote it about 5 months ago, and I still dont think its right. So just three. But there all done and up on youtube within the week.
  2. OH YEAH and Mr. Sprocket is in love with a character....whose name I wont say yet..... But shes secretly Kira Marie (Aka...our very own Superstar)
  3. YOU PUT ME IN YOUR SIGGYS?!?! I love you guys. So sweet 4 NEW SONGS OFF TO THE COPYRIGHT OFFICE THIS WEEK! 1. Where the Waters Break (Dont You Ever) 2. Fuel The Fire (Two Question Marks) 3. Hello 4. Mr. Sprocket Mr. Sprocket is very Dr. John inspired. Hes MY Doctor John. <3 YOU PEOPLE ARE THE BEST! And once I get the videos filmed, youll be the first to see them. I promise
  4. You guys are all so sweet! Thank you so much !!!!! Im going to cry. Really. I love all of your support, so much. And it is so greatly appreciated. Youre really helping me get this dream off the ground
  5. HOLLY!!! I LOVE YOU! I cant beleive youre doing all this You are too sweet. TOO sweet. And guess what.....special news..... My first single Blast Off will be available in Itunes UK, Itunes US and Canada, Itunes Mexico AND Napster within the next 4 weeks!!!! PLEASE BUY!
  6. awww guys! Youre so sweet! I ADORE YOU! And thanks for the fan page, and all the nice wishes
  7. AWW HOLLY! Youre so sweet :)

    And heres a pic.



  8. Today I learned 14th Street which has the beastliest chord progressions in it.....

    And I started 'Cigarettes' but its a beachhh... :)


    And im so glad you liked them! Im usually never proud of myself...but this Gaga one was a challenge. I wont lie.....that high E on "Pay you out" was a bastard. :das: Hahaha....




    Did you read my info on Tower Of Learning...i mentioned you ;)

  9. Thats TOTALLY me at the beginning with Sheerah16 freaking out and singing We Are Golden. And thats me saying that "We Are Golden is the anthem of every american teenager. Really" Me
  10. :........................(

  11. AH! CONCERT FRIEND! hehe

  12. Its all good. hehe


    Im so post gig depressive. Its disgusting :(

  13. iBernard, Im terribly sorry you did not have the experience you wanted at this concert, but you truly should have known what to expect if you had infact seen both of his dvds. I had the time of my life at this concert, and experienced something I will never forget. Im terribly sorry you can not say that same, and offer you all of my condolences. If you werent quite violently opposed, I would greatly appreciate a link to your blog. Thank you ever so much, peace,love,music... -sAmMy ;D
  14. Thanks so much. I just kidna realized what happend this morning as I was retelling the story to my grandad who wanted to hear, and almost cried. Im like woah....it happened.
  15. Ok. Lets start at the beginning, and work towards the end. Most people do that when they tell stories. Right? Im not even sure. I cant speak at this point. So we get in the car, and drive to an applebees in nyc. We eat there, even though we cant really eat or do anything without malfunctioning. The next thing we know were walking into the United Palace Theater. Wow. It was simply goreous. And VERY golden So were sitting outside, just waiting in this little doorway thing, maybe us and thirty others, and the camera man and a dude with a massive microphone come out. And we said HI! And Sheilagh and I jumped infront and everyone started screaming WE LOVE YOU MIKA! And so the two of us started singing We Are Golden....and everyone joined in! And he kept zooming in on us for the chorus! So this lady behind the camera man goes "What is it that appeals to you about mika?" And Sheilagh, and like half the others went...."Um....EVERYTHING!" And so she asked if we could relate to his lyrics and I said "Ofcourse! We Are Golden? Anthem of every American teenager!" And everyone started screaming. Fantastic So I dont know where that film is going.....Vlog......maybe....who knows?? So we finally get in after a million years of annoying security. And they WERE annoying. VERY So we finally get to our seats, talked to some random MFC'ers, and it was about it was about it start. We were counting the minutes. Not the months, not weeks, not days, not hours. Minutes. It was insane. So this excessively skinny, fantastic young man comes out onstage to open for Mika and introduces himself as "Gary Go." Oh gawd.....Mr. Go He was INCREDIBLE. He played keyboard with a looping system, and sang. And he had a guitarist. He did a few songs....he was so just....amazing. This girl a few seats away from us just goes I love you Gary Go! And without even looking at her he goes..... Well thats very kind, I love you aswell. So regal....and full of himself. But a good way XD And his music was unbeleiveable. By the end of the second song we were hooked. HOOKED I tell you! He had a cute hat/tie thing on too He pointed at us for this one song and we like.....DIED. So.....the CONCERT itself.... Just....wow. So the set was an orange couch, a lamp, and a flatscreen. First, the new bassist comes out, and sits on the couch, reading a book. He was in a multi patterned black and white suit. And then MARTIN WUAGH! I almost died. In, again, a suit. Then the background singer whose name escapes me. She came in and brought the guys tea in big red and white polka dotted tea cups. And then Cherisse came STAMPING in, pouting her face off for some reason. And they all comforted her, and watched some TV. Finally, there was a news broadcast and this random Ominous looking man was like "We interupt this program to bring you a special news broadcast. A giant government aircraft the size of a scyscraper, has taken lift off into orbit" Everyone onstage cheers. And he goes on to say "We have.....weve just received news that there is SMOKE coming out of the aircraft!" And everyone gets all afraid. And the man on the Tv holds hi in ear and goes "Oh....Oh my God." And the WHOLE TV SCREEN jus tlike EXPLODED WITH FIRE AND STUFF! AND EVERYONE JSUT WAILED AND SCREAMED! And then he comes back and says something like "We have no word on what happened to our explorer. We may never see him again" And then BAMF. Curtain up, WHOLE STAGE GLOW IN THE DARK PLANETS. Mika's in the space suit on a higher level walking, we all scream. And then he takes off his helmet. And hes gorgeous. AND THEN.....his whole suit. And hes in a pair of white boxers. HAWThawt. Curtain Down......were going insane......its just......Wow. So relax goes on, I JUMPED FOR LIKE....THE WHOLE SONG. Then big girl....and by Stuck In The Middle... He goes to his suitcase and pulls out a yellow teapot mariennte and says "I want to introduce you to my humble servent.....Dumbledor-a!" What? So hes like walkign ehr around, and then she JERKS him back and wont move. And then he FLIES off stage behind her. And then a giant teapot comes on with a marienette mika Touches You. "come on now, whats a boy supposed to do" He looked at sheilagh and myself. What. I almost died. One Foot Boy. He grabbed sheilaghs hand, and my pointer finger. There are no words. The whole effing concert was MY LIFE. So we get to Lollipop. What did me and sheilagh do? Run up to the stage. And I grabbed his shoe/ankle/calf. OMG KIRA WHAT. And thenhe left XD so....ok..... During the encore.....they came back for love today and David Whitmey was towards the front of the stage. I was being a MESS infront of him, and so he motions me up. WHAT??!?!?!? He hands me one of his drumsticks. ARE YOU KIDDING?!?!? And then he slams the trash can infront of me and motions for me to come back up. And the secuirty guard tried to get me, but lies. And so I kneeled on the side part of the stage and he was playing one side and I was playing the other and we were just SLAMMING away on this trash can! And then sheialgh was behind me and I handed her the stick and she did the same and I played the floor! And Mikas off being amazing with his own trash can. OMG...what. So the concert finally ends, and DEB gave us free after-show tickets. Sheilagh and I are going to sit down and she goes...Is that Gary Go? IT IS! GARY GO! And so we called him, and HE...GARY GO.....came and sat with us. And we chatted for maybe ten minutes. And we talked about how hes all "Im waiting to meet mika!" And were like...."But youre on a tour together? Arent you guys biffies yet?" AND I SWEAR...he goes on for like days.... "Oh yeah, were like BFF DOUBLE F heifen semicolon full colon dash FFFL BFFL LLLELHIJK dash exclamation point at sign mikasounds . omg at sign gary go at twitter" And we said...omg, do you have a twitter? and he said yes. and so we said wed follow him. And we talked about his music and how hes on itunes. And were like....sign our phones? And hes like.....are you sure? Really? And so he did and he felt all fantastic. And he loved sheilaghs name. "S-H-E-I-L-A?" "G-H." "Oh GH! Thats different, I like it!" -Something like that. Hahha "Its Gaelic!" "OH GAELIC, I LIKE IT!" He was so cool. and so we took a picky picky with him. Hes my life. Even though he smells like cigarettes. ALOT. So we wait around for him for like...EVER. And We see audrey walking around, the first ever lollipop girl! And her mom, Mikas aunt And anothe aunt, who looks JUST like her XD THEY ALL LOOKED IDENTICAL! And first aunt is like...What did you think? And im like....aMAZING! and we talked for a bit. And then we saw zulieka ofcourse, his sister. XD SHES THE MOST BEAUTIFUL...omg I love her. So he comes up....and we met him.....I met him? WHAT?!?!?! YES! And I shook his hand and handed him my packet and said "If theres a CD in there, will you lsiten to it?" And he said "If its demos? Is it demos?" And I said..."Yes." And he said " Oh well I cant listen to them, Ill get in trouble." Hes so cute. But I told him there was more stuff in there too, and he signed my album. AND SHEILAGH'S GOLDEN SHOE! XD And he smelled like LIME AND VANILLA! On the way out, who did we see going in the building, covering her face? (And little else) Thats right, the queen of bleh herself, LADY GAGA. Not kidding. It happened. BEST NIGHT OF MY LIFE. Chilled with "THE" GARY GO. Got looked at by mika. Touched his hand. And shoe/ankle/calf. And shook his hand. And smelled him XD CREEPAZ! And saw Gag. Omg....there are absolutely no words. I cant even talk yet.
  16. What row are you in???

  17. We (Myself, my mom and dad, and brother, and Sheerah16) Will not be attending :(

  18. HOLLY! 4 days :shocked:




    OK So I made him an awesome gift and gave him a cd of my originals songs that I really want him to listen to. But what if I dont find him after the gig?!?!?! HOW DO I FIND HIM!?!

  19. A friend of myine watched this and said she got the "Big Fish" vibe....like Big Fish the movie...from the lady man dancers
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