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Everything posted by Pideh

  1. Mika posted a beautiful pic on twitter! AND he's writing a blog!!
  2. Well duh! but I'm not tired anymore. we´ve passed that:naughty: now I´m just hyper!
  3. Oh! and thanks for the link so that I can watch this thing
  4. ONLY?! I´m soo tired I´ve started getting used to the scool rutine and sleep around 21:30 everyday
  5. Btw.. Welcome to the MFC:biggrin2: Mind to introduce yourself in the intruductions thread?
  6. It depends on where u live I live in europe and got my vinyl dispached today. I doubt it will arrive on monday. It says that delivers in europe takes up to a week. Delivers in Uk takes less time tho.
  7. *Agrees* -I don't even think Mika wants to be called that If u know what I ,mean..
  8. I guess the only ones that are going to like TB are his fans. It's only 18 days left!!!!! T4p!!
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