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Status Updates posted by SuperTwat

  1. Yep. Thank you. :original:

  2. That's understandable. :wink2: Life's been treating me alright, just finished a difficult exam period so I'm relieved. How have you been? How's performing going for you?

  3. Kudos to you for trying to communicate in another language. I know how frustrating it can be, I speak a few other languages and I can never express myself in the same way that I can in my first language English. So I have admiration for people like yourself who try. :thumb_yello:

  4. I was listening to Prince today and it reminded me of you. Long time no see, dear.

  5. Thanks, Wendo. ;)

  6. Happy Holidays to you too, Gretski

  7. LOL! They look harmless until you put them into a super-saturated Salvador Dali world. :naughty:

  8. Done, tart. *pbs*

  9. *takes wall virginity*

  10. How odd, I didn't even realise. *remedied*

  11. LMAO! That's good to know. :fisch:

  12. All woman, eh? :das:

  13. Of course I accepted. :cheerful_h4h: Now you can take it like a woman. :mf_rosetinted:



  14. Top of the week! Hooray! *starts preparing your gifts and the outfit to wear when you arrive*

  15. It may have something to do with the fact all I've had to eat today are You'll Love Coles Caramel Mighty's. :fisch:


    (Which incidentally also say 'Worship Me!' on them. :naughty:)

  16. LOL, couldn't even spell porn.

  17. Hello, Becporstar. *pbs-Teegs-style*

  18. Christine, come to Australiaaaaaaaaa!

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