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Everything posted by Jennifer_Noble

  1. thanks for the article and the youtubelink,, my hart makes a little jump everytime i see or read about the concert
  2. Kinda understand aswell that Mika is popular with the straights
  3. Coevorden?? Hahaha I have played too many fieldhockeymatches in that town! Every single year we got into the Coevordenpool which is a long drive when you live in Appingedam Welcome to the forum... I'm a newbie aswell :thumbs:
  4. What's so gay about Big Girl??? The fact that a skinny guy writes a song for big women? Of course I voted as well *chuckles*
  5. hahaha yea especially because everybody already knows me here (ahem). Oh well I'll just have to live with the fact that I have a boring nickname since I have only one email address. Oh well at least I like my name-could have been a lot worse since my mom wanted to call me Ulrike- , guess thats a plus.
  6. Yea I was thinking about that myself, he really spoiled me....it will take a hell of an artist to top that concert!!! I found myself pretty lucky to be at the 9th row by the way for arriving at 5:30. My choice would have been 9 am but the people I went with arent that crazy about mika that theyd risk a wet and cold day. bummer
  7. Wow! Thank you all for the kind welcome! I feel very sorry for myself aswell, missing the gig *chuckles* Oh well maybe next time - there WILL BE a next time
  8. I did I did I did!!!! It was my first concert ever. I think I was standing on the 9th row, totally losing my mind @IngieVv: haha I would be suprised to learn that Mika likes his drinks aswell
  9. haha...I did however came to an interesting conclusion just now- I dont even know how to change my username
  10. Gheheehe... how 'bout no I'll just wait till one great name...hits me
  11. OMG are all of the people on those pictures Mfc members?? You all look so gorgeous
  12. haha can't hardly wait! I can imagine you left...being ignored is about the worst thing that can happen to anyone! Now, all I need is a somewhat more creating nickname
  13. probably a stupid question...but I keep reading about this wisky thing - whats the whisky thing?? BTW I think its really cool that you Mfc people met and went to the gig together!!!
  14. Christine, I only just say your post - geeze this forum moves fast! I guess you're right... there will be alot of OT when Mika isnt releasing new stuff. About time he did
  15. haha don't worry I will still try to post on here as much as possible. A couple of days ago I posted a picture in the Amsterdamgig thread for the people that weren't there but I felt like I was more intervening a very important discussion between posters than sharing pictures/ideas/experiences. Personally im like a bad weed, I will stay as long as I wish but i can imagine others feeling really intimidated. When I was 14 I was very active on a Buffy the vampire forum (I know-dont ask) and there were alot of people that I didnt like and i can imagine it must be hard to not respond if you dont agree with something and that is very easy to fall into an OT-convo and if you know all the users its okay but if youre new...it might be experienced as intimidating. Besides that, Ingie, i have to agree with you that there are enough posters who make me feel welcomed... nice feeling- thank you
  16. Wow. That was just...beautifully written To come back to the poll about Mika.. I dont think the forum is too negative. What I do witness- being just a tiny rookie- is that a lot of threads that started off to be about Mika turn into OT conversations between users, which makes it really difficult for new members to get involved. I guess that is the reason why there are so many people that just lurk around here and never post
  17. First try..this is one of my faves: I think you can all see it but it doesn't get very large when you click on it...sucks
  18. thank you so much! I will do so tomorrow or friday, ive got a couple of nice shots is there a full report of you meeting him on here somewhere? (i feel like a stranger in Toys 'R Us)
  19. Hey all! My name is Jennifer, I'm 18 years old and from the Netherlands (I noticed alot of people around here are). So I went as well yesterday and I just read around here somewhere that 70 got to see him backstage...how? when? what time? = jealous
  20. Hey All! My name is Jennifer, I'm a rookie on the MIKA forum and I have no clue how all of this work (posting pictures and stuff), but I just wanted to say that I WAS THERE TOO YESTERDAY!!!! It was my first gig ever and I enjoyed every single minute of it. The crowd was just spectacular, never seen so many friendly people piled up together in my entire life! And then..MIKA! OMG he is such a sweety, the way he reacts and makes contact to/with the audience. I was pretty close to the stage aswell, I think there were about 8 lines of people in front of me. Anyways, I took alot of pictures and a friend of mine filmed the entire Love Today song (yesss including the part where he drums without his shirt on) and I would like to share them with you but I have no clue how to. Oh and before I go to sleep: did anyone get the chance to see him/get a picture taken with him/autograph?? xoxo
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