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Jo :)

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  1. http://viewmorepics.myspace.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=viewImage&friendID=79041575&albumID=88177&imageID=16896866 Something like this? ( I can't seem to find the one without decoration when i need it!)
  2. Thanks for postind he looks different...younger even! anyway, still looks great
  3. lol I thought about ringing I found the clip :roftl: hehe
  4. No, sorry Last I heard it would be out end of year, or ealy next. But he has been working on it
  5. I know! I wanted him to win!!! I love the 'press your purple button' And yes, they should have a mika week on x-factor, a great challenge to their vocal ranges
  6. Yes I saw this that programme was really funny! Too bad they did not show much of the helium baloon man! I'm sure it will end up on youtube!!
  7. damn it, I need to learn to log out my old account before I post!
  8. Was watching a show yesterday all about british fashion.was interesting...but...the best part? they kept on playing the who the sound person has taste.
  9. sorry I was of no use, I have to go now, good luck!!
  10. lol, anyway, stop my nattering:naughty: Worked out this napster problem yet?
  11. lol, yea. In fact I just updated it Its bright red. Zens are cool too:thumb_yello: It's funny how people think it's odd I choose to have one over an Ipod, do you get that too? I rather like being different
  12. Really?! Over here (uk) I think it's about the same price- 79p. I use napster coz I have a walkman, and its (supposedly)easier!!
  13. Aw, thank you I feel your napster pain Why do they have to make things so tricky, do they not want us to buy music!?!
  14. Ok, press the monitor button, then advance settings. Choose the ones you want 2 refresh automatically (the one napster puts tracks in to), then press add I guess I accept no responsiblity if it all goes wrong
  15. Click on the tab 'library', and it should be there
  16. You can do that? lol, I just open each file, or place them where I want them to go! However, have just seen something that may help: go to: media player _ tools_options _ montior folders..It explains how it works Is that what your looking for?
  17. Arrg I sometimes have the same problem. You should be able to have your songs on up to 3 computers. When I can't play tracks on media player, I just grab a writeable CD, and move them that way!! However, if you have one PC, thats tricky. Have you tried finding the music files, and opening them that way? Is it your able to download music, but not play it?
  18. That is brilliant! Love how you get the words in sync with their actions!!
  19. wow is that seriously not Mika?! This guy: 'Famously once denying that he was Mika to a group of screaming and crying girls in a pub in Ireland, despite the promise of free drinks' http://images.google.co.uk/imgres?imgurl=http://www.c2c4c.co.uk/mediac/450_0/media/Sam2.JPG&imgrefurl=http://www.c2c4c.co.uk/1431.html%3F*session*id*key*%3D*session*id*val*&h=242&w=241&sz=9&hl=en&start=2&um=1&usg=__hx9Gr8YvVlik3ou3eltw78MDsko=&tbnid=O2llOFyvK4EofM:&tbnh=110&tbnw=110&prev=/images%3Fq%3Dmika%2Blookalike%26um%3D1%26hl%3Den%26client%3Dfirefox-a%26rls%3Dorg.mozilla:en-GB:official%26sa%3DN Don't see it my self Maby in real life?!
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