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Everything posted by adda

  1. You're welcome . I don't think I have different words for that either:naughty: No dictionary can ever really help when it comes to what crosses Mika's mind. But then, we all agree with him anyway:roftl: and understand him perfectly. That makes me really happy!
  2. You're very welcome:blush-anim-cl: Oh and I like this article too! Wish I had his inspiration for my English report...
  3. I had almost the same feeling like you about this article. ... and the same dilemma. SO I searched *googled* the dictionary nice 1. pleasing; agreeable; delightful: a nice visit. 2. amiably pleasant; kind: They are always nice to strangers. 3. characterized by, showing, or requiring great accuracy, precision, skill, tact, care, or delicacy: nice workmanship; a nice shot; a nice handling of a crisis. 4. showing or indicating very small differences; minutely accurate, as instruments: a job that requires nice measurements. 5. minute, fine, or subtle: a nice distinction. 6. having or showing delicate, accurate perception: a nice sense of color. 7. refined in manners, language, etc.: Nice people wouldn't do such things. 8. virtuous; respectable; decorous: a nice girl. 9. suitable or proper: That was not a nice remark. 10. carefully neat in dress, habits, etc. 11. (esp. of food) dainty or delicate. 12. having fastidious, finicky, or fussy tastes: They're much too nice in their dining habits to enjoy an outdoor barbecue. 13. Obsolete . coy, shy, or reluctant. 14. Obsolete . unimportant; trivial. 15. Obsolete . wanton. kind 1. of a good or benevolent nature or disposition, as a person: a kind and loving person. 2. having, showing, or proceeding from benevolence: kind words. 3. indulgent, considerate, or helpful; humane (often fol. by to ): to be kind to animals. 4. mild; gentle; clement: kind weather. 5. British Dialect . loving; affectionate. IN MY OPINION, The difference between Nice and Kind is that being nice is more obvious, but it doesn't necessarily make you a good person, it is only about the appearance and how you know to behave with other people, whereas being kind means having and sharing positive feelings, and it is more about how you are, not how you act. (did that make any sense? , sorry about my swamp English:biggrin2:)
  4. Same here:mf_rosetinted: Este your opinion, nu trebuie sa te argumentezi sau sa iti explici logica. Nu ai "screw" nimica "up"!
  5. singurul lucru pe care o sa-l zic e ca nu sunt de acord. IN MY OPINION. Pentru mine personal, el nu este nici macar ultima persoana care sa ma duca cu gandul la cuvantul spell-uit de tn ft clar. But hey. that's just me, remember. Don't worry girl, as long as you keep it clean..
  6. aww, You really made me blush! Like basicamenteyo perfectly said, you are a wise woman!, not that i EVER doubted that but your post was enlightening and well.. awesome Thank you for explaining the hug/embrace theory and answer my question - I wonder how Google translates "abbraciare" ( first, it was detected as an English word , now officially your Italian is better than Google's). I agree!
  7. That's on my "to read" list for AGES (I do have one too:teehee:... and it's long). And I know about the movie also ... here is the trailer oh and Rob is pretty (good) @ non-vampire movies:mf_rosetinted: I'm so glad! I don't read as much as I should either and I'm still in process of elaborating my vocabulary:biggrin2: (I never passed the Goblet of Fire:teehee:) But I would love to hear more about Deathly Hallows from you:wink2: It really depends on what you like to read in general. This might help you: http://www.whichbook.net/
  8. Sigh indeed. Oare care e echivalentul la fete la cercelul dintr-o ureche d la baietzi?

  9. HEEEEEY! Someone found it for me on Looking for smth thread! Now I remember the picture! ... and his hair :crybaby:


  10. *bump* I believe that the winter holidays are an opportunity for all the busy people that have little time to read. I have read "The Curious Case of Bejnamin Button" by Scott Fitzgerald. Also I've read "Last Sacrifice" by Richelle Mead (Vampire Academy volume 6) - yeah I know it's one of those teen - vampire - romance non-literature books but 2 years ago I was experimenting on this sort of books, and I needed to know how the series ended. For school I had to read "Maitreyi" ("Bengal nights" in English) by Mircea Eliade, and so I did read it again... for the 3rd time:roftl: What did you read?
  11. oh thanks! aceste detalii ne pot ajuta! srsly. EDIT: Now I remember perfectly... & thanks Poisonyoulove for finding it! oh the hair
  12. :boing::blush-anim-cl: Thank you, dear! You're too kind
  13. Thank you so much! You really enlightened my study day with that!


  14. no effect. wait... earring? I'm so photo hunting now. *dives into the sea of mika pictures*
  15. Oh I know I know, where is the earring, though? what effect? () EDIT: awwwww the piiiiiiiicture:swoon: *ahem* Maybe it's just a birthmark. EDIT x2: oh and the hair
  16. *spoiler* the following post has been approved for MFC audiences. The Post advertised has been rated as IMO (in my opinion) & NPI (no pun intended) by... well, me:biggrin2: *drums* I never studied Italian (only Latin for an year- ), and maybe that's why I only understand like 70% of the printed columns. I never spotted a difference between the two "versions" - Italian/English (nor is English my native language, but I believe that it is better than my non-existent Italian knowledge).This is why I'm asking you guys if there is really a difference between his original (as posted on the magazine's website) and the translated column. It's not about whether it's edited or not, I'm just really curious if I'm missing something. Thank you very much! --- if I'm being blurry or so, It's probably because of the maths excess - been studying almost all day ..
  17. Thank you!!!

    We will we will!


    Study Study Study! Get big grades!

  18. Hey!

    Wow! That's crazy! I have a term paper, a contest and other stuff coming this week also, but not as important as your crazy exam week! I'm nervous too and studying studying studying...

    I wish you all the luck and the inspiration in the world! :huglove:

  19. Thank you! You already said so much, and I wish you the same! :huglove:

  20. Buna Dimineata! :)

  21. Steeeeeep!

    How are you? Long time no.. typing :)

  22. Nu cred ca m-ar deranja sa aiba un tatuaj.. nimic extrem, nu? dar hei... poate are si nu stim noi:naughty: nu era un rumor ca ar avea gaura de cercel intr-o ureche? HEAR THAT MIKA/MIKA-TEAM/ANYBODY-MIKA-RELATED? We want Mika Back! EEEEEEdit: Sunt singura care se simte high-of-happiness dupa ce se gandeste intens la concertul de la Mamaia? (vorbesc serios, ultima data cand am patit asta am ratat tramvaiul:blush-anim-cl:)
  23. 1) oh m-a convins. Great excuse for going bald ( I'm just JOKING!) vorba lui cine stie ce ce vei gasi a doua zi... 2) oh *blushes* nup eu nu ma tund but i could surely lend Mika some... 3) oh dah totally PacMan ... Mai ales la .. Uhm .. Nas! Da:rofl: you girls! 4) We just NEEEEED to meet again. Mika owes us sum dancin' on the stage:mf_rosetinted:
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