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Everything posted by mark0495

  1. Well, back in the ol' days I was in the Dutch thread there only were "she"'s...
  2. Hm, I wonder who that might be, considering she would be HAPPY Thank youuuuu
  3. Hey guys! FREAKIN' BACK after an unintentional break off MFC. Anybody there?
  4. mark0495

    Back =D

    Hey guys, I know I never officially left you, but it felt like it though. A quick peek at my profile shows me that I wasn't here for almost 3 months, and before that 3 months, I wasn't here really frequently... time for a comeback, though I can be found everywhere on the boards again and especially at the Fourplets thread(!). Sorry that I was gone without a proper goodbye, but I'm having a very tough time at the moment at school and in my private life, messy all around. Nice thing; maybe in the future I can write a book about this part of my life It's got everything needed... Death, real love, friendship and annoying people at school who are ready to cross the border between annoying and bully-ish kinds of people. Eek. Well, happy to be back though! LICM is still getting more and more important to me, and I haven't forgotten you or something, so I'm still a true MFCer Hope to see you at the forums!
  5. BLIND BLIND ME! Hope you feel better soon. And hi to everybody who came in, and bye to all the people who are in here
  6. You don't know about... the secret gig of which I saw oh so many Youtube vids and where Mika sang 4 new songs including the Clap song? I think you should see that But, well, my hyperactiveness is coming back, you see!? I LIKE IT
  7. Uhm... very well! (Only reason for that is because I've got something where I can look forward to; the school trip to England... 4 DAYS!!! INCLUDING A VISIT TO WE WILL ROCK YOU THE MUSICAL! That thought, that I'm going to be in England after the break, keeps me going in those hells called test weeks
  8. Hey everybody I'm back. Owch, that's a terrible while ago when I was here for the last time. Can anyone tell me what happened to this place? New Fourplets? Old Fourplets leaving? And, yes, I did follow the Mika blogs so THAT news is not pretty much news for me anymore Sorry if I don't sound as friendly/hyperactive as normal; I've got testweek
  9. Hi guys Haven't been here for a while, so has anything special happened or something? And how are you all?
  10. Thank you, thank you And now: I slam the homework into a little corner of the room, sit back, and RELAX! I listen to music (especially Mika)! I LIVE LIKE A NORMAL PERSON
  11. I'm fine, but exhausted. Stupid test week Tomorrow I've got tests on English, Music and History, so it's going to be quite an easy day tomorrow. I think tomorrow is going to be the only easy day I learnt today from 12 till 6... SO LONG!? I guess I'm in heavy need of some... MFC/Mika!
  12. My favourite albums are: Mika - Life in Cartoon Motion () Air Traffic - Fractured Life Coldplay - Viva La Vida or Death And All His Friends Scouting For Girls - Scouting For Girls Shiny Toy Guns - We Are Pilots (absolutely hated 2nd album, though) The Feeling - Twelve Stops And Home
  13. Well, no. The only thing YOU have to do is voting for your favourite album/track. If it's not in the list, we put it there, and the albums/tracks with the most votes get in the Top 10 Sorry, the part under the start post looks a little bit complicated, I know
  14. I think we should build a database where the voters can choose from, and then they can choose for their favourite track and album, and can also give us new items for in that list of names And then everyone can vote each week, and then we get a Top 10 So easy that it's complicated!
  15. Aaaaw, poor you! I was thinking of just collecting songs every week and THEN let people vote for the top 10 places Good idea?
  16. Nice, nice... I agree with all of them, you know? Nah, too MUCH!? Why are you thinking it's too MUCH?
  17. 1. Thanks for getting LICM to top the Album list 2. There IS use, because if you tell them and the votes come in at the speed as now, they will be at the top for a LOOOOOOOOONG time
  18. That's okay Now, let's wait for other votes <EDIT> Oh, I get it, that's Boten Anna, isn't it?
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