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Everything posted by mark0495

  1. Er... stay at home, watch tv or play games (NOT at the computer, most of the time ) and when it's 12 'o' clock, watch the fireworks, and try to stay awake as long as possible. And then sleeping, and thinking about what you can call last year from then on.
  2. Tie your hairs together in the technique room, look left, right, left when you try to cross a road, and If you WANT reaction, do something, otherwise nothing will happen, but watch out; if you do something wrong you can expect you get it back: for example you make a possible start for a fight, you will get a fight most of the time. And don't play with pure alcohol in physics. That kind of things
  3. Hellooo! (See my post from just a few minutes ago) No more champagne And the fireworks are through Here we are, me and you Feeling lost and feeling blue Its the end of the party And the morning seems so grey So unlike yesterday Nows the time for us to say... Happy new year Happy new year May we all have a vision now and then Of a world where every neighbour is a friend Happy new year Happy new year May we all have our hopes, our will to try If we dont we might as well lay down and die You and i... Any ringing bells now? I've got reason to! 1. I'm optimistic or whatever you call it in English 2. I've got the right to speak freely about what I think!!! 3. I also had quite some problems last year! Sure, I did! And strangely, they all turned okay, because I either came over it, or solved it. Life isn't always fair, but if you try and make the best of it, you will always recover... except if you don't follow safety rules
  4. Oh, c'mon girls, don't be so unsure! Just wait and see what happens! Or just step up and tell him... Relax! TAKE IT EAHEASY!!!
  5. Must have overlooked you both at the Who's online thingy! Sorry I hope I have that year too! Though I don't think certain things will happen to me You know what I mean! I'm 100% hyper and fine! Can't wait to hear that good ol' ABBA song again. You're not the only one But you shouldn't be! I think whatever you're unsure about talking about love, it will be fine. You will be fine! I'm 100% certain! And to both of you, thanks!
  6. To quote my message in the Fourplets thread:
  7. I'M LONELY!!!!!! Well, what I wanted to say to all Fourplets was: I wish you all a fantastic, great, spectacular, healthy, and MIKA 2009, in which you will have good luck at school, make or keep up with friends, and for the girls who were worrying about that, have a good year in love , and stay at MFC so that we don't have to miss you over here! Have fun tonight, and don't blast parts of your body off with the fireworks (in the countries where you are allowed to do that yourself... I don't know if there are any where you can't...?). Oh yeah, for the guys who are legally under the age for having alcohol: DO NOT!!! Just have lots and LOTS of fun!
  8. That sounds good Maybe our winter is more recognizable because my HANDS NEARLY DROPPED OFF TODAY! I also was. Normal, but not necessary. Quite strange; giving someone older than me tips about secondary schools Well, g2g. To be exact, got to RUN FOR MY LIFE!!! If my parents discover I am going to be dead, so I am having a sprint towards the bathroom... see you tomorrow. I will be at home, and our conversations will be accompanied by some nice bangs; people may fire their fireworks from 10 AM. Unfortunately, there are always that kind of stupid guys blasting holes in front doors. Pathetic. Just put some *don't know the English word* in a pidgin hole and BANG it's gone. I don't take part in that nonsense. I like to watch it, though... But as I said, GOTTA RUN! Bye!
  9. I skipped one class and I turned 12 a month after the beginning. Quite embarassing I have always been the young one
  10. Er... now, Christmas break actually Ah, that's quite a difference. If your high schools are the same as our high schools, I would start fearing 2009....... until you are actually at high school and you discover it's not so bad at all.
  11. Ow, that sucks too Though I don't use my phone much... you can easily say never. I prefer talking over the internet or directly
  12. I know. I was not allowed to get on the computer the last week. At least, almost. I'm fine, thanks. You?
  13. Do you mean like our secondary school, or is there another system in your country? Well, do I really have to talk about it? You would get terribly wrong images of my family... and me <EDIT> Stupid me... I think I now understand you will begin at high school in 2009... and not immediately after New Year But when do you go to high school in your country? I thought you were 13/14-ish, (judging from the name of the thread) and it's normal in the Netherlands that you go to secondary when you are 12 years old...? <EDIT2> Checked out your profile; you are 14. Which means you go to high school two years later than us.
  14. No, the green dots next to our posts were turned on by supernatural powers Okay okay, mine is not. And the rest are probably also really online
  15. Well, I'm fine myself, but my own family is kinda annoying me. Badly. VERY badly. But, hey, it's my sister who started, and brother-sister teasing is natural, right? I WANT 2009. I've got some things to make right, and what is more stimulating then a new year? I mean, new rounds make new chances!
  16. Dunno. Last week, that was. Maybe they meant my banned-from-computer-Christmas days. Anyway, how are you all?
  17. Hey everybody! I'm back!!!! I see Neiobi posted some pics, and you talked about dreams, AND... someone missed me...? *Cough tags cough*
  18. Hey! Long time ago, indeed! Christmas time... always a busy and not-allowed-to-use-computer-time But I will come on here a lot more after New Year! I promise! Btw, you've got lovely huge eyes... and I don't mean that flirty or something, don't worry. You will not get stalked by this crazy boy
  19. Welcome to the club! I'm hyper too.... to be exact.... ALWAYS I'm fine and hyper, thanks! You? By the way, I'm Mark. I'm the always-happy-and-hyper guy in here. Nice to meet you
  20. Hey everybody! Hey Keti! Hey Tayler! Hey Neiobi! Hey Mafaaaa! (Too lazy to look at the real names list ) Btw, I can't remember anyone called Tayler...? Are you new here? In that case, welcome! Have fun!!! I see someone has posted piiiiiiiiics Nice ones, too
  21. Okay okay, but you DID want to hit somebody with a chair. That behaviour is not tolerated over here, is it? MODS!!! Nah, I'll leave it, because it's Christmas Oh yeah, but if you aren't aggressive, what does that little gun guy do in your message? (I want to see you talk yourself out of this one )
  22. Another seemingly interesting thread killed by Becca's inner battle of her good and bad sides, and some aggressive impulses. Maybe we should open a thread for that kind of things! *Runs away before he gets killed by the girls* Not that I am so normal...
  23. I wonder what Relax's position is: I made a mistake: at the site was that it was at 11117, which is impossible because it's a top 2000 and not a top 20,000! Let's just pray and hope it IS in the chart! Stupid sites, stupid me!
  24. Tomorrow at 12 'o' clock in the night, the Dutch Top 2000 starts again. This time, Mika has two places: for Grace Kelly (1606) and Relax (Take it Easy) (1117)! Unfortunately, most of his songs could not get in: songs released in this year were not in it. This is because of the 10th anniversary. The djs decided to just make a list of the most popular songs in the last 10 Top 2000s. Next year, we're all going to vote on Lollipop, Happy Ending, Love Today etc., aren't we? <EDIT> O damnit Can some mod please change the title? That en is meant to be an in. <EDIT2> After checking it, I changed Relax's position from 1117 to 1080. That's what it really is
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