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Everything posted by mark0495

  1. Nee niet zo, maar omdat ik je napraat.


    Volgend jaar heb ik dus een uitwisseling met een of andere duitse school :naughty:



    Je bent over! :boing:




    Ik meen het wel :biggrin2:

  3. Heeeeeeey :biggrin2:

    Hoe gaat het ermee?

    Kreeg net te horen dat ik vwo3 gehaald heb! (want ik zat eigenlijk in de bespreking voor havo) :woot_jump:











    Sorry :teehee:

  4. Damn Why do I always have to miss the fun part in threads like this
  5. Good & bad... because I just found out that though I kinda have holiday... I JUST HAVE TO COME BACK TO SCHOOL FOR ONE HOUR JUST AT THE MOMENT WE ARE GOLDEN IS BEING BROADCASTED!!! And that sucks! They should give me a day off! Only me, because the rest of the school doesn't care for Mika anyway G2g, I'm having dinner, sorry. But I'll be back later this evening
  6. NOOOOOOOOOOO! Exactly at that time I have to go to school; I will be told if I made it to next year Does somebody know if there's a possibility to listen programmes back after they got on the radio? We've got that in Holland, so maybe Radio 1 also has that?? Help me please...
  7. Oh, actually i was just joking, but... if you want to :biggrin2: Have fun!

  8. Sorry :tears: My sister wanted to use this computer, and as usual my mom agreed with her that I had to leave :sneaky2:

  9. Ah, a challenge! :das: I will do that with pleasure... but if you don't keep your word... DETENTION!!! :roftl:

  10. Yeah! Maybe we should punish everybody and tell them they're "late for their daily Fourplets Fix"! :biggrin2: "And now, as a punishment you've got to post at least 4 messages a day per day, for an eternity!" *very, veeery evil laugh*

  11. I know, and because there are so little other people in, I wanted to ask why they left :naughty: I was also inactive for a few weeks... pretty few weeks :teehee: I really hope you come back, I miss you, and we all do :blush-anim-cl: This whole situation makes me think of some guy at school who had an American football (a small one though) with him, and aimed wrong and demolished a 3D-puzzle of the Big Ben. It's not easy to complete it, but you just have to, because otherwise it just isn't complete and doesn't look right... I guess we just have to look under all the tables to find the missing pieces :naughty: Let's search everywhere in the English classroom and find the Fourplets :biggrin2:

  12. Yeah, Holland is more than what meets the eye, it's multicultural, it's beautiful, it's a free country where you can say any useless and idiotic words, it's... the country where we didn't get any bonus tracks on LICM, it's the country where every release is always too late in the shops (except my PdesP copy I picked up about a week before the worldwide release ) A-HUM, I will stay on topic, sorry
  13. Yeah, alive and kicking! :biggrin2: I'm really fine. Holiday just begun! Why haven't I seen you in the fourplets thread lately?

  14. Hey, didn't see you in a looooooooong time :biggrin2: How are you?

  15. Shame on him Yeah, I'm still waiting for some Dutch webshop release dates... but otherwise I'm going to import it! Congrats, you're lucky!
  16. Me too... But before that, I'll await the release dates of the other Dutch shops. Van Leest and Free Record Shop will probably start selling them late, regretably, that are the only two record shops in my city
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