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Everything posted by lulle91

  1. yeah my older sister can help me...
  2. Im 17... 18 for april... my siblings supports me and my stepfather is on my mothers site...
  3. dont know what to do... just have to waith to the 19. and see what the dokter says...
  4. I tryed but she said that im lasy... I help in the house so she wont say that i just sit at my room all day... but she still say that im lasy...
  5. hi love...

    im fine... you?

  6. I had a operation in september and i still got problems whit my kne... Im starting new check ups at the hospital the 19 of january... and im not shure that i can go trug it again, last time it tog a half a year before they found out what was wrong... like that wasend enove my mother wants me to get a work... so How do i tell my mother that im not ready to work..?
  7. hi love...

    how are you?

  8. hi love... how are you?

  9. how did the intervew go?

  10. that will be nice... anything you wants?
  11. hi darklight... I feel a bit of the same... i have to lie to everyone els and my self to keep the truth from showing... I always point the fokus on someone els so people wont see the real me... everyone thinks that im this happy girl, but im realy just a sad person that dont now if i shult cry og schrim... I dont belong eny where and i dont desserves friends... I offen ask my self how i can be so fake and nowone notes...
  12. hi love...

    long time ago...

    how are you?

  13. well i have a big room (when i dont have things in it)
  14. I put the flag up...


  15. The flag is up on the wall: Thanks samantha... Love you...
  16. yeah over my sofa... just have to waith to my father come home and do it for me...
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