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Everything posted by lulle91

  1. hi...

    how was your day?

  2. thanks.. i thinks so too... and now i pray it for my grandmother (shes my family gosth now)
  3. My grandmother learned me this pray, its for over family goest (as she say). Family spiret it the truth im the girl in front of you please help me carey truth make my biggest dreame come truth sorry for the bad translating
  4. Love you too I have the small pink teady too and the parfume... Im warring the nekles from the parfume now
  5. hi everyone... enyone that wants to be my 2nd. partner..? Im already Mika mailing whith Mika-obsessive-13, but will like one more...
  6. Hi there... I got a great link if eneyone wants to make pic. whit more Enjoy http://www.glitterfy.com/ Eneyone eles got some good pic. making links?
  7. Im Louise-Malene and im from Denmark
  8. hi love...

    how was your day?

  9. you have to be crazy to sent 14,528 text messages during one month She dont have a life someone shut take the phone away from her... she´ll end up looking like this
  10. ohhh... to hear... we´ll miss talking to you
  11. did you post the pic. yet?

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