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Everything posted by krjsantos

  1. Originally Posted by French Deb : Please, don't generalize, thank you This is not very respectful for French people, don't you think ?! . . And please, don't stir up the tensions between Brits and French fans, we don't need this... Just want to put my point of view, what is the point here about France v England silly, sorry guys can't blame the UK fans for that neither fans French, I'm Brazilian and I have a very varied taste in music, I love music ... if English, French, Italian, Portuguese, whatever, I think ... the feeling goes beyond the language. Mika is a mix of everything, he is English, Lebanese, French, American, of course I'm generalizing, he even has a nicely varied taste, he recorded his cds worldwide, recorded his dvds in France. Why we get so preoccupied in its sales success, particularly in the UK? will he cares less, we don't know, I just hope he continues evolving and making his beautiful songs, I think he'll continue doing records and gigs, no matter sales sucess or at least I hope so, for our pleasure Just throwing random thoughts, I needed that, sorry my english. ps: I love what is offered in terms of videos, photos and reports of ALL MFCers going to the shows, for those who are not there, like me at the moment, it is of immense value, particularly very grateful to Nina (tiibet) detailing beautifully in her blog the shows she goes and thanks God are many
  2. Oh I have mix fellings after read your review sad about crew and no greet with Mika, why this things happening? ... anyway great gig and choir, congrats Lara
  3. ops more .... Stardust [YOUTUBE]YIIlzawsceo[/YOUTUBE] Popular Song [YOUTUBE]6qo20x49EYY[/YOUTUBE]
  4. Mika singing Celebrate video by DT17 TV http://www.d17.tv/video/Y0o5dWFm?utm_source=TW but I can't watch I think only France
  5. Fail Trying again http://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=10152339470675486&set=a.177675115485.242434.124348500485&type=1&theater
  6. MIKA official ‏@mikasounds Chiara, sono contentissimo per te e congratulazioni agli altri finalisti, sites tutti molto bravi e spero avrete il successo che meritate!
  7. @mikasounds Ah! *make not Male! ‏@mikasounds Food! Food food! Male me happy make me fat make make me rosie like... Postman pat. Hungry you see. Lucrezia A. ‏@_Lucrezia_ @mikasounds See? Italy loves you RT @DropOfSea #Chiara & #MIKA TT worldwide! #XF6 pic.twitter.com/aOZnhEGK Retweeted @mikasounds
  8. Oi Bia .... galera .... a Fran tĂĄ viva sim ela me falou que tĂĄ na Alemanha na casa da Mirjam em Kappelrodeck e jĂĄ sofre com abstinĂȘncia do Mika isso depois de 10 shows ela tĂĄ indo pra Londres no sĂĄbado e vai se encontrar com a Rose para o show do dia 13 e depois volta beijocas
  9. seems no good to me any news about it I don't heard the program.
  10. Recently I saw a beautiful video of the Regina Spektor (song How) music & poetry visually linked
  11. I think that music and pop art can be perfectly transported to images, in my concept one of the best videos ever made that expresses the "marriage" of art video and pop music, in my oppinion [YOUTUBE]GQ95z6ywcBY[/YOUTUBE]
  12. Yes, you're right! How knowing what the audience immediately understands, this is not possible because even your entire audience go crazy anywhere LOL Well I think I need a little drink right now
  13. I don't come to the defense of what Mika tells about French audience, but I was not resentful of it, I think he meant that France, the broad understanding, has a huge opening to all expressions of art and specifically in the music scene I think that's all for understanding "world music" and all scene around. In other countries an here in my country, at least the largest base of Brazilian fans, understand this scenery. I don't know if I expressed my thoughts clearly I hope so.
  14. oups Elephant?? thanks for the reports I'm glad he seems get better and better, just another gig and rest until the next in London, if it does not appear radios, interviews anyway it's a good time to take rest and recover fully
  15. Amazing interview smart interviewer and .... interviewee, of course Thanks a lot, saskia and mellody
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