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Everything posted by krjsantos

  1. Mika à Montréal à l’International de montgolfières de Saint-Jean-sur-Richelieu Aujourd’hui, Mika a été totalement envoûté par l’International de montgolfières de Saint-Jean-sur-Richelieu, publiant plusieurs photos des balloons en vol sur sa page Twitter: « C’est vraiment un honneur d’être à un endroit aussi merveilleux, aux Montgolfières! », a-t-il dit ému, lors de son spectacle. Mika à l’International de montgolfières – Un charisme fou Sur scène, Mika nous laisse béat. Il absorbe l’énergie de la foule et la retransmet par chaque parcelle de son corps. On a été complètement séduit par sa présence sur scène et son charisme. Mika se donne entièrement à ses fans… vit, chante et bouge au rythme de leurs applaudissement, rires et chants! Sur la scène extérieure de l’International de montgolfières de Saint-Jean-sur-Richelieu, devant une foule pleine à craquer, Mika était comme un enfant: sautant partout, faisant des move à la Michael Jackson, jouant avec son chapeau et faisant le clown. Et le plus important? Mika a le meilleur des deux mondes: il fait tellement british dans tout ce qu’il dégage ET il parle français! Très franc avec ses fans, déconnant et riant avec ses musiciens, Mika s’est fait un plaisir d’interpréter ses plus grands succès (Grace Kelly, Relax, Take It Easy, We Are Golden, Lollipop, Happy Ending, Elle me dit) tout en incorporant des chansons de son nouvel album The Origin Of Love, qui sortira le 17 septembre prochain. On a aussi eu droit à deux nouvelles chansons tirées de son nouvel album, The Origin Of Love et Under Water: deux chansons écrites il y a un an et demi, alors qu’il était à Montréal (soudainement, après un vol Londres-Montréal, Mika a retrouvé l’inspiration et a écrit ces deux chansons – il n’avait pas écrit depuis longtemps). Impossible de ne pas se laisser emporter par l’énergie de Mika. De ses chansons. On vous laisse sur un: « Doom, da da-di da-di, doom, da da-di da-di, doom, da da-di da-di, doom, da da-di da-di »… ceux qui ont vu le show comprendront! ; ) http://hollywoodpq.com/2012/08/16/mika-a-montreal-a-linternational-de-montgolfieres-de-saint-jean-sur-richelieu/
  2. MIKA A bomb fell on Saint-Jean-sur-Richelieu 15-08-2012 | 10:34 p.m. SAINT-JEAN-SUR-RICHELIEU - This is the International Balloon Festival of Saint-Jean-sur-Richelieu that the pop star Mika chose to hold his electrifying birthday party on Wednesday. The show was highly anticipated. From his first moments on stage, he was warmly received by the public, came to see the energetic Lebanese in large numbers. He started partying with Big Girls (You Are Beautiful), before moving with Relax, Take it Easy. Within seconds, he conquered his audience by addressing him in impeccable French. He then measured the energy of his fans asking them to sing along Blame it on the Girls. To celebrate his birthday as it should, the star, which will celebrate its 29 candles on August 18, pulled out the heavy artillery, dropping a good fifty balloons during Celebrate. http://fr.canoe.ca/divertissement/musique/nouvelles/2012/08/15/20107431-qmi.html
  3. Reflections on life .... a long way! And I feel privileged to follow these steps I think that is the most anticipated album of my life and I know that I share this with everyone here, the feeling must be the same But right now, I really want is to have news of the festival, excited to new videos and pics again ... canadian vibes Vi
  4. ..."I created all that is my career on my own. I don't hide anything. I arrived at a moment in my life when I'm confident and at ease in every way in my life. It gives me a completely invicible feeling of power and joy. It was important for me to do it in a good way and to choose to do it when I wanted to. " He always has the perfect words
  5. oh gosh I found in group FB is official? or not yet http://www.facebook.com/groups/117619858327773/335572506532506/?notif_t=group_activity YT? Vevo? where is it
  6. ohhh agora fui eu que esqueci rsrs :huglove:



  7. Yeahhh! Vamos celebrar :naughty:


  8. Yeahhh! Vamos celebrar :naughty:


  9. Thanks again ok I'm crazy with this interview I wanted to share a video of Milton Nascimento, as Mika speaks of him in all the interviews again and again ..... Milton is a Brazilian icon [YOUTUBE]csw79TJcgqU[/YOUTUBE] [YOUTUBE]lXo7v7t5vOc[/YOUTUBE]
  10. :woot_jump: Yeahhhh Brasil ........... AMAZING Surprise to hear Mika about Brasil Thank you so much Lara
  11. I apreciate the Perez way says: "We're thrilled Mika is comfortable enough in his own skin to serve as a role model for other young men and women facing similar difficult situations!! We APPLAUD you, Mika! Here's to a lifetime of happiness!" just to relax the mind, the comments are very interesting, enjoying reading
  12. "Sorry to break your hearts, ladies, but Mika is playing for the other team!!" Perez is always cute and funny with Mika
  13. Indeed, imagine when exit the full interview multiplying in double to more
  14. and here another MIKA's coming out is on a french newssite: http://yagg.com/2012/08/05/coming-out-de-mika-arretons-le-cynisme-par-xavier-heraud/ Good point of view, smart and common sense:thumb_yello:
  15. Another throw us a freakin' bone from Lili @liliana_nicolau @mikasounds And thank you for the group pic! We were waiting for that moment since the first show in Portugal! You totally made our night! dying here too come on everybody .... Mary, Wonka ?
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