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Status Updates posted by xxmika-maddo-joxx

  1. Merry Christmas to you too :huglove:

    Best wishes for the new year!

    And thank you for my card :wub2:

    Lots of love xx Joey xx


  2. No not really :naughty: I've been writing an essay for the past two hours!

    Not funn :teehee:

    But I always seem to be happyyy :boing:


    How about youu? :D

  3. Second :teehee: I saw him in 2007. Feels like only yesterday :wub2:

  4. Mmmmhmmmm :boing:

    Then Mika in Feb :D

    2010 looks greaattt :roftl:

  5. wooo! :D

    My birthdays in Januaryyy... not long now :teehee:

  6. 13 nearly 14 :D

    And youu? :boing:

  7. Yesss :wub2: Theres less to focus on whereas TBWKTM is crammed with so many new sounds in each song. LICM feels more acoustic and bare :teehee:

  8. Awwww I know what you meaaan. The past few weeks Ive been so wrapped up in the new album, LICM sounds so beautiful :wub2:

    I mean, I love both the albums so much but it's so nice to go back to the old days sometimes :teehee:

  9. SIX! Wow! Good luck :D

    No big reason I just had one of those moments where you realise how much you love Mika :wub2:




  10. I have tons of homework which I'm sort of getting through :teehee:

    I'm too happy to be doing anything to do with school :roftl:

  11. Heyy Keti! :D

    I'm gooooooddddd!

    Hows your dayy?


    Jo xx

  12. Okayyy :D we can talk on MSN too then :boing:

  13. Wooohooooooo!!!

    Do you have MSN? You gave me it on twitter a while back but I dont think it works :aah:

  14. No probs I felt it was about time :teehee:

    I mean, Mika's gonna want to talk to you sometime :mf_rosetinted: after he's finished meditating in my garden :mf_rosetinted:

  15. Heeyyyy Inbar!

    You know we said we'd do mika mail?

    How about we start after christmas!?!


    xxxxxxxxxx joey xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

  16. Heyy Caz!

    Umm, I singed up for the EP bit in the art section for The Yearbook. And I sent my drawings to Mel, but Ive gotta send a message and a Pic... Can I send them to you?


    Jo xxx

  17. :emot-sad: Okayy. can't you go on Facebook or something now? My brother dosen't have MSN >.
  18. I'm still at my brothers right now But ive stolen his laptop :teehee:

    we'll be setting of in a bit so I should be home about ummm 5ishh :D

    I need Mika time >.

    Loveee xxx

  19. Aliiiiiiiiiiiiiiceeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee :boing:

  20. Hello :D

    Are my drawings alright for the yearbook?:teehee:

    Scribble back x

    Jo x

  21. YAAAY! he let go of them :D.... just :teehee:

    *passes bag through screen* x

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