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Everything posted by xxmika-maddo-joxx

  1. I can feel a pics of mika's back thread coming on
  2. okayy, heres a thread for all the pics of jackson a.k.a Jasper Hale does anyone else think he is cuter than edward? jo xxx
  3. okayy, i was just wondering if anyone had any pics of the back of mikas head. i am addicted to his curls..... this is so random but i thought it would be cool jo - "here you go mika, a collection of picture of the back of your head" mika - ":shocked: why didn't someone tell me it was that curly" jo - *giggles* mika - "wow, ive always wondered what it looks like" I've gone insane Does mika like his curls? or does he just make the most of them?
  4. Don't worry i'm here to help ;)

    lovveeeeeee xxx

  5. Heellooooo alice!!!!

    Lovvveeeeeee you!!!

    Jo xxx


  6. i think until mika announces anything we shudnt believe any... its like that saying about it coming straight from the horses mouth or something
  7. lol, i think people are just starting to make stories up about mika cause they've got nothing better to do than wind me up
  8. yess.... okay... *breaths* so we just think its gossip then?
  9. yeah, im just worrying now that i missed it or something :s
  10. Thank you!

    i hope you can!

    jo xx

  11. yess, thats what i thought, im not sure if my friend is just winding me up or not.... she sounds serious
  12. My friend has just said she has heard something on tv in the past days about mika and gok wan.... together! has someone else heard anything about it? i haven't and i duno if its true.... help... im fretting........ jo x
  13. hello, umm you know you edited mika's new songs video into a small mp3 clip thing?

    umm could you do me this video, cause i want it as my ringtone :roftl:

    It's the bit at the end where he sings prince, before love today :)

    please?!? http://www.mikafrance.com/video-6-mika-tarata-france4.html

    lovve jo xx

  14. i am very happy today cause vanessa on MFC answered a question that saved my life! thank god for MFC! and...... i managed to involve mika in my homework again!
  15. YES YES YES YES YES YES YES!!! THANK YOU SOOOO MUCH!!!! you solved my heart ache I am eternally gratefull!!! THANK YOUUUUUUUU! THANK YOUUUUUU! Case closed!!
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