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Everything posted by xxmika-maddo-joxx

  1. sorry i think im not explaining properly, i've seen the video but someone posted up a collection of them alltogether that they'd made themselves, something we could download. all i can remember about the thread was that they said sorry that some bits were impossible to add or something like that. im not very good at explaing but thank for helping xxxx
  2. a few days ago someone put up a clip of all the snippets of mika's new songs and had put them alltogether. It sounded really good and i went to listen to it and the laptop died! anyways i came on this morning and i can't find the thread with it in anymore and i'd really like to listen to it! please help! jo xx
  3. aaaaaaah! somebody find the rest of my face.... please! hmm.... the answer must be around here somewhere... he said it was on the laptop... *from corner of mouth* somebody help! im frozen!
  4. I prefer the harry potter films to the twilight one. but the twlight books are better than the harry potter books. there so romantic
  5. i HATE the words smear and minute.... i dont know why they just make me cringe
  6. yeah, and the jacket is more fitted on mika. he just looks fat! boooo! i wonder if mika is watching the brits??? **wonders**
  7. yaaaay i have facebook! send me a pm if u want my name.... so i know who im adding. knowing me i'll add random strangers but all mika fans welcome
  8. lovely! my horse has a tendancy to fidgit whilst stood still. Shes always moving i have a few but i'll have to find them
  9. heyya! omg could you send me your avatar in big??


    im soo excited!

    love jox aaaah!

  10. Omg omg omg omg hyper attack!!!!! BEST VALENTINES DAY EVER! CANT BREATH!!! SIDKGFWEPOLFNDSLJBVOSGSPKV DPSIGHPWK EDOqjabsplak bdgovf dvjsdbgowjsd bvowjkd al
  12. thank you i hope to paint them all in watercolour soon, Ive dont the acrobats in A3 watercolour.... but there not finished yet!
  13. i would never think of that..... but then in my dream i was licking him cause he was melting
  14. my dream last night iin my dream mika came to my house and we were playing hide and seek. I was counting and mika was hiding. And for some reason he decided to hide in my fridge. He'd taken all the stuff out off it and put it on the side so it was pretty obvious he was in there But me being as oblivious as i am walked straight past. I was looking for hours till i finally noticed the food on the side. I opened the fridge and mika had turned into an ICE CUBE!!! I have OFFICIALLY scared myself!! jo x
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