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Everything posted by c'rocktart!

  1. De facto, tens razão. Tantas fotos que não poderiamos por todas no pc. Até rebentar o disco rigido. havia de ser bonito. Obrigada Olga!!!!!! :wink2:
  2. God!! já me tinha esquecido que era perciso ter uma conta...eu tinha hi5, mas eliminei. bem...never mind.
  3. you're welcome. ^^


    How much time it took to do Mika? ;)

  4. Thanks for hoping. ^^


    oh god!! I'm terribly sorry. Of course, I'm already imagining. :( I wish you can solve that soon as possible.

    I bet you're devastated. :(


    well...I don't want to make bigger your bad feeling.




    so...when did you turned a Mika fan? ^^

  5. My friends just say he have no talent. That he joined the music industry 'cause he had luck, and that he is simply gay. well...I just know that with them I cannot talk about Mika. They are so stupid. whatever.
  6. Hi everyone!! (i'm new...can I join you?) God!! That is the worst thing that could happen...I hate...we are sleeping very good, having an amazing dream that we don't want to stop, and then...we awake. well...about my dream about Mika...I had almost forgot (and I will...thank god) it was so poor... Believe me...I talked, talked..but nothing..questions...opinions...but Mika never answered me. All started on a clothing shop, and I followed him. But it seems like he wanted to get rid of me, so I asked him what it was going on, and he simply turned his back and started to run off on the road. :roftl: it was the first and the unique dream with him.
  7. Hi!! :D


    I must say again, as I said before, your work made with Ken...like a extreme makeover transforming into Mika, is absolutely fantastic!! Love it. *.*


    How did you have that idea?? :)

  8. I enjoyed a lot!!! It's absolutly FANTASTIC!! :punk: Really...How much time did you spend doing it??
  9. Olá!!!


    Tou a ver que chegaste cedo ao MFC. :D

  10. nanao...eu cá quero mais experiências fotográficas...estarei à espera. Dorme bem e sonha com o Mika.
  11. imaginação muito fértil... bem...gostei muito deste seraozinho...um de muitos...mas amanhã tenho que me levantar relativamente cedo porque tenho que ir a Lisboa. ;D Beijinhos para todos:wub2: prazer em conhecer-te Sweet. ^^ vamos a ver se o Mika foge outra vez...:roftl: Até amanhã.
  12. LOOOOOL Nem eu sei...nem falava comigo...eu fartava-me de lhe fazer perguntas, e dar opiniões, e nada. Tudo começou numa loja de roupa...eu acompanhei-o...mas parecia que queria livrar-se de mim...bem...chegou a um ponto que eu perguntei o que se passava...e ele apenas vira-me costas e começa a correr pela auto-estrada fora. :roftl:
  13. sou sim. ^^ registei-me apenas no dia 15. recentezinho. Tal como o teu...o meu sonho também é para esquecer.
  14. bem...eu só sonhei uma vez e ele até estava a fugir de mim. O teu sonho deve ter sido bem melhor. Aposto tudo.
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