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Everything posted by NuttyGummy

  1. Or, D) The twitter account we all know about it just a decoy while he uses his real account . . .
  2. :-D Thanks for adding me!

    Now I have someone who can keep me updated on Nessie. :-P

  3. Winning the lottery would be nice wouldn't it?
  4. That’s really neat! I’ve always wanted to go to Scotland! I had a huge obsession with the Loch ness monster when I was a kid. I read every book on it that my library had. N.Y. City is a couple hundred miles away. A co-worker of mine said it took him 3 hours by train. Someday when I have a little more money or a friend in that area to stay with I’ll probably go. Or maybe I'll take a road trip in a few years and see more than just the city.
  5. N.Y. state. I've never actually been to the city. I would like to go one of these days. So you're from Scotland? What time is it there?
  6. Hehe. Yeah, that's what happens when you spend time on here when you should be doing other things. Pluss you can get a lot if you post in threads like word association.
  7. Didn't do anything but I'm bored and thought I might stop in to say hi.
  8. Wondering what I should make for supper. hmmmmmm Avoiding some paperwork I have to fill out . . . like last week.
  9. Haha! I figured it out!

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