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Posts posted by forevermika

  1. Hahahaha, I suprised my mom yesterday. I got home from school earlier.

    I opened the frontdoor and heard my mom singing/screaming: 'MORE THAN THIIIIIIS, BAAABY I HATE DAYS LIKE THIS!!!!!" She was vacuuming.


    I seriously thought she was joking, that she had heard me coming home.

    So kinda ironic I slammed the door open: BUSTED!!

    She threw down the vacuumcleaner and screamed. :roftl: 'Omg! I didn't heard you coming in! I'm nearly having a heartattack!'

    Me: Nice vocals :roftl:

    My mom: I'm sorry dear, I just HAVE to sing along with Mika when I turn on that new CD.


    It was too funny


    that's a good one:roftl:!!!

  2. That scene with Will and Terri...I had to pick my jaw up off the floor after I saw that. Then I screamed, jumped around, and did a cartwheel, then I watched it again. I'm so happy that he finally knows. That was EPIC. When he threw the fake baby bump, I was like *GASP!* :roftl:

    I almost want to feel sorry for Terri, but I really just want him to get with Emma. Seriously, they're killing us here.

    Also, I hope that Quinn's dirty little secret comes out in the finale...because if it doesn't, "somebody gonna geta hurt real bad" :sneaky2:


    I can't wait for the finale!!!! :biggrin2:


    I loved this weeks episode! I have to say that I had no pity whatsoever for Terri. I just thought "Good for him!"

  3. I just watched the movie Dan in Real Life for the first time the other day and, if you've seen it, you know there's a running gag where Dan gets stopped by the same cop multiple times. And the cop is Mr. Shuester! I jumped out of my seat when I saw it was him! His curls were gone though.

  4. I loooooveeeee Glee! How could Terri even begin to think she could pull off this fake baby thing? Won't Will want to be in the delivery room when it happens?

  5. I brought TBWKTM in the car this morning (I drive to school with my Mika-loving friend) she was a gold mine of funny quotes:


    Me: I was in a Mika mood this morning so I brought him to listen to

    E: You were in a Mika movie?

    Me: no a Mika mood!

    E: I thought you said Mika movie! could you see the jealousy on my face!!!??




    on the ride home while listening to Dr. John:


    E: the Mika this morning made this such a good day... but I practically failed both of the tests I got back today. Oh Dr. Joooohn, what am I do- Heather, when we're listening to Mika we're so jolly! thats the only word I can use to describe us we're just jolly!




    at her house after school, having a WAG dance party:


    E: Heather, my pants have been slipping down all day! They're so big I could fit a whole other person in here! preferably Mika...:naughty:


    as you can tell my friend's a little crazy, but she sure made laugh today!

  6. this is going to sound so stupid.....but it may prove as a challenge for all you MFCers. I'm looking for this old interview(in a thread, not a video) that had a series of "this or that" type questions at the end. All I remember was that one of them was "Do you prefer ice cream or ice lolly?" he answered ice lolly (which is weird because of all the ice cream truck business nowadays.)


    So are you wondering by now why I remember that one silly question? Because I'm American and I remember it taking me forever to figure out what an ice lolly was:naughty:(we call them popsicles, btw)


    Thank you in advance to anyone who takes on this mission!

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