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Coralie british lover

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Everything posted by Coralie british lover

  1. Et week-end prochain...................... week-end de 4 jours!!!!!! YAHOO!!!!
  2. Yeah, there's purhaos a look like between corbin and Michael Jackson because Michael Jackson was black before being white (now) and Corbin is metis..... And for me, the blacks have got differents voices that look like themselves.... if you understand what I mean....
  3. I forgot to tell you that I have got irish blood + scottish blood + french blood
  4. I went just to listen to a video "Mika chez Ruquier" on dailymotion where Mika sings in french twice again, it's so funny!
  5. I love HSM too! My favourite is Chad, I have got his "Another side" that I got at Chrismas I next famous, I'll get his newone that went out in March.
  6. Peut-etre que ce succes a plus de succes que "le mien de bienvenue" hihihihi Donc je vous donne mon twitter http://www.twitter.com/Coralie78
  7. Je croit que le premier fofo de mika dans lequel je me suis inscrite, c'est le mikafrance, apres, le mikawebsite et maintenant, comme j'ai un assez bon anglais, je veu en apprendre plus, je suis nulle en francais....
  8. Hey! mais vous n'etes pas sur un autre forum biche et ..... vous me dites quelque chose!
  9. thank you miss or.... I just thought.... my twitter is http://www.twitter.com/coralie78
  10. My name is Coralie, I live near Paris. I love Mika. So yesturday, I registred on Twitter. And today, I saw you in in the "followingers" of someone. Iclicked on it and saw a good news =D September! So I read and registred myself here. I have got a british mother a nd a french father. My english grand parents always tell me that my english is very good. As I'm reading Twilight in english, I'm learning english words. Reading books in english make me learn. And here too, I have been in a lot of forums so I'm used to a lot of words... So when I registred myself, I didn't know what "thread" meant. But now I know it. Thay was an exemple. Well, normaly, I normaly post a small presentation but there, it's a lot bigger!
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