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Everything posted by Sephira

  1. Sorry I can't translate the article I have an exam tomorrow
  2. It is the same article that I have from the french magazine Gala I tweet https://twitter.com/EvaGerle/status/238329820994469888/photo/1/large
  3. Mika told I don't remember where that songs in french are not bonus on the french version, the songs in french and english are mix together on one CD. The second CD of the Deluxe album is a live or videos but not the french songs
  4. I find this article on a gay website, it is in french (sorry ) but with google translator you could understand. It is about coming out, private life and a little bit about Mika's coming out http://www.za-gay.org/actu/3876/mika-est-gay-et-alors/ It is really well explain and in the point of you of someone from the gay community.
  5. It does not make sense how you want someone who says herself different and defined herself by his sexual orientation as a person can be considered normal since this person defined herself as abnormal And I would add that how a person sees only the gay community and frequently little people outside this community can be considered as normal. If people live with others and speaks with everyone there would be fewer misunderstandings and less xenophobia. Some people are homophobic in Europe and some people are just afraid and don't understand. Some people could change their mind about homosexuality some not. I give you an example: My cousin had a father passionate about literature, he wrote a lot and he passed on his passion to his son. My cousin decided to become a literature professor, he also wrote many books on analysis of works of French literature. He is professor of literature's most famous high school in Paris. There is also a talented pianist, music is a family business we are all musicians at heart. He has a good and happy life, friends and for 25 years lives with the love of his life. He has a life like evrybody, a "normal life" and the love of his life is a man. His life would have been the same if the love of his life was a woman, he would have done the same job, would have had the same passions, the same friends and the same lifestyle. My cousin have 50, people was less tolerant toward homosexuality when he was young but no one considered him as abnormal even if he was not hiding from being in love with a man.
  6. He is in love with a male marionette He wants children with him as he said at the Blue Balls Festival
  7. I think I have a little idea that who he is I think you know him
  8. It was in few articles "Mika who refuses to label himself". A journalist in an article who define an artist by his sexual orientation or others things like physical which have no relation with what this person doing artistically is pejorative. In articles we have to read "the pop artist" or "the pop singer".
  9. Now if you read the articles in french about the new Mika video Celebrate you could read "the gay singer" "the gay artist"
  10. I speak about "coming out", my friends homosexual or straight never hide their boyfriend or girlfriend to their parents and friends, but they never felt the need to reunite people and said "I'm homosexual" or "I'm straight". My friends who are homosexual had no need to go tell their parents they were gay because their parents knew. Some of their parents took time to accept that their child loves someone of the same sex but there was no need of a "coming out" for that. I never ever defining myself by a sexual orientation because who I am comes from my soul and heart, my education, my history, the country where I live, the way I feel the world,... When I speak about somebody to someone who wants to know or remember this person I say her name I describe the person physically and his personality traits but I never said "he or she is homosexual" to describe and define this person
  11. He has opened the pandora box, journalists and interviewers don't think like fans, they wants more listeners and readers by sensationalism and recounting the details of the private life of famous people, some rare serious news papers may be let him in peace. This is the sad truth, the world in which we live
  12. The sexual orientation don't define your indentity, the person you are. To not feel ashamed of your sexuality it is a good point but to be proud of it if you are gay or straight it is something really futile and patronizing There are things far more important in our lives deserves a sense of pride Live your life don't see your life throught others in particulary famous people talented or not I really need to find me another planet to live There's a lot of persons who are homosexual and are not part of the LGBT community but they not feel miserable and oppressed. I had a friend who live in Paris since 8 years he cut himself from all his friends who always loved him just because he wanted to attend only members of LGBT community, he even isolated from friends who are gay but refusing to be a part of the LGBT community I never appreciated the intolerance and prejudice that are growing in the LGBT community
  13. Mika said before his coming out that he is happy and in love, in France at the radio the interviewers asked him who this person is but it was easy for Mika to said that it's not their business. Now it is different and more difficulte, he said things about his private life in Instinct Magazine, the others interviewers and journalists wants that Mika tells more, that's why in Quebec the journalist asked him explainations about his coming out and it is not finish In France they made 50 articles with two sentences from Instinct Magazine about his coming out, they surely don't let him in peace and I'm sure in UK it will be the same:doh: Imagine how Mika will feel when he promotes at TV , radios and news papers when they asks all the time to him questions about his privacy and his relation with the man he loves. He hates that kind of things, I saw him in bad moods every time interviewers asked him things private. Mika does not change and he will be in a bad mood again for the same reason.
  14. It's not because I have friends and family members who are homosexual that I will be for the principle of coming out and all my friends who are homosexual are against too. I'm against coming out because it is the reflection of the pressure that puts on all of us the society today so that everyone is defines as an individual in relation to sexual orientation. Sexual orientation of a person does not made her, no one is smarter or more tolerant because they are homosexual or heterosexual. As human beings we experience in our lives enough pressure professional, family and other hassles for added the Dictates of the society which try to interfer in people's privacy. This kind of pressure is not healthy for anyone. Sexuality is a private business if you are famous or not. If famous people are minting their privacy because they have no talent and do it by talking to them it is a kind of prostitution (I don't speak about especially of coming out). Mika is not the kind of person who speaks about his intimacy not because he was unconfortable about the fact he is homosexual but because he is someone private. I saw Mika in France in february, june and july, he was really happy, I was happy to see him like that because I remember Mika in January 2011, he smiled at us and was nice at the magic numbers gig and M&G but I felt him really sad, depressive. At the Heaven I never saw Mika so nervous and unconfortable even though he knew we knew, he was in a gay club on a little stage, he was so afraid that he locked himself in the bathroom of his wardrobe Mika is not more happy and free because he made his coming out and I'm sure that when he promotes is new album and he faces questions all the time about his private life more than before he will not be happy Mika is a marionette lover In the backstage at les victoires de la musique he kissed a marionette but I don't find the video
  15. He never fell in love with a girl and wasn't sexually attract by women before falling in love with this girl, he always said to me that he is gay and I know him since I'm 17. He was happy with my other friend for a long time. After falling in love with this girl I asked him questions to understand, he answered me sincerely that he didn't know how it was possible because he never fantasies on a girl, never feels attraction for the opposite sex except intellectually. I read on forums that similar cases a guy who have 56, to others who are in their 30's and 20's. Transexuality is a question of identity because you born as a female but with male genes but homosexuality is a sexual orientation, there's a part of biology (hormones particulary) but love is more than a simple fact of science. You're not deeply in love with someone because your hormones acts. How can we explain that some people do not feel any sexual attraction for anybody but fall in love with somebody if love could be in part explain with hormones and genetic. There's a part of a natural factor in homosexuality but sometime something called love could be stronger and something like this could happen to someone straight.
  16. Thanks It is controversial because we know that homosexuality come from an hormonal influence at the embryonic stage and we think that biologicaly things could not change. I give you the example of genetic, we all part of our genetic diseases such as cancer, but this does not mean that everyone will develop one. My friend had no accident and my only thought is it is love because I really don't understand how it is possible scientifically speaking
  17. I have a friend who always thought he was gay, he was only attract sexually by guys and only had boyfriends. He was in a relationship with an other friend. Two years ago at the age of 26 he fell in love with a girl, he broke the heart of his boyfriend and I was choking because I was always thinking that it's something impossible I don't understand how it was possible, he never had presure from friends or family because he was homosexual, we all accept him like he was. I asked him what it happen and he answered that the only thing he knows is that he loves her more than everyone he loved. I have been indiscreet with him asking him if he was also sexually attracted to her , he answered me "Oh! Yes!". He is with her since 2 years always in love and happy with her. I can't explain it, I tried to find on forums if something similar happened to other homosexual and I found people who lived the same thing We are complex beings either psychologically or biologically, things are not set in marble as we all think. An hormonal change or a lymphatic disorder can change your libido if you are homosexual or straight. Or is it love which is stronger than everything
  18. I didn't said that he wrote his album to make a coming out as Mika explained his songs are universal. But my feeling toward his coming out after a lots of things and Mika explanations (who I'm sure he will change his explanation in every interviews ) that he trying to making speak of him before and at the release of his album in countries where he has less success. For example in June and July he was in France when journalists asked him things about the fact he's in love he don't answered that he is in love with a man In Russia when the journalist asked him by what kind of girl attracted him big or skinny, he answered Dita Van Teese, why he don't say that he is not attract by women:doh: Why a third coming out in Instinct Magazine, Mika is not famous in USA, he has fans there but the big majority of Americans don't care about Mika. He could do is coming out in Out or Attitude in UK, is where he live. It is only my feeling
  19. He isn't saying what a big part of you imagined. For me it is different because one coming out on the danish tabloïd, after at the Heaven and the last one in Instinct Magazine, three coming out for one person in less than one month just before the release of his third album make me feel that his attention wasn't pure and only commercial, and Mika's explainations confirm my suspicions because is coming out wasn't a necessity for him but more for make speaking about him It is just my feeling, people sees and thinks what they wants of it
  20. I read the Quebec interview of Mika in french he explained he done his coming out for that reason : "In songs from my new album, I talk about my life, whereas before I was talking about the lives of others around me. It was the right time to reveal my homosexuality, because at 28 I told myself I talk about my life in a way that very few male pop singers will. I do it with much joy and it was the right time. My songs do not speak necessarily about my sexual orientation, but still my personal life. I like pop as it is universal. We did not necessarily need to know that I'm gay to understand my music. It shows above a certain comfort and confidence. I created everything in my career alone. I do not hide anything. I got to a point in my life where I am confident and comfortable in every sense of my life. It makes me feel powerful and invincible love of life completely. It was important for me to do it the right way and choose to do when I wanted." http://www.lapresse.ca/arts/musique/201208/11/01-4564286-entrevue-avec-mika-il-nous-dit.php?utm_categorieinterne=trafficdrivers&utm_contenuinterne=cyberpresse_B9_arts_244_accueil_POS2 After reading the explanation of Mika, I think that really we are being very naive in thinking that Mika made his coming out to feel free and relieve weight of secrecy
  21. In France it is official that The Origin of Love is out the 17th of september, it is possible to pre order the album the delux version or the simple one http://www.amazon.fr/Origin-Love-Deluxe-CD/dp/B008PUXMS4/ref=sr_1_1?s=music&ie=UTF8&qid=1344634011&sr=1-1 http://www.amazon.fr/Origin-Love-Mika/dp/B008PUXMUC/ref=sr_1_2?s=music&ie=UTF8&qid=1344634043&sr=1-2
  22. In our occidental point of view, we can say what we think about near everything, we critic others countries because for us there's not human to condamne people to prison or to death because they loves a person of the same sex but you understand that in countries direct by fanatics it is really dificult to make things change You have to understand that in the point of view of those countries our civilisation is seen as decadent and corrupt by sex and money (finally not so wrong ) Except saving LGBT people from those countries there's nothing to do for the moment. We are human it is normal to have the same rights and duties but you have to considere that for adoption it is a problem, because it's really difficult for a woman to adopt a child in numerous countries ( in France you have to wait years and at the end no child to adopt ) and I don't think that people accept that a men couple could have the same priority for adoption
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