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Everything posted by Sephira

  1. This is a group composed of personalities from cinema, music and television each year toured throughout France to raise fund for the association "Les resto du coeur". They sing on stage covers and often very badly.
  2. Sorry but I'm really sure that there's nothing like that between Mika and Dorian they are only good friends Nick Littlemore has the same girlfriend since years Next....
  3. Be carefull because I received the mail but in the junk
  4. Normally it is the French Track list but not the Deluxe one
  5. It is online we could hear tomorrow the album but not the Deluxe version (from Label Barclay) No real listening party for French fans, no comment
  6. It is the hell to enter the registration today because there is too much people trying at the same time to register normal Gossip and Muse do the same show with Mika
  7. + 10000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 It is why I explain about a music identity of an artist, but in this album where is Mika. I have the same feeling that it is commercial electro music, songs with in general no interesting melody. Some songs sounds like bad dance music of the 90's :s It is not a question of writting thousand Lollipop but to have the artist touch that permit to recognized him. If Mika wants more public it is not a reason to distroy good songs, it is like to give your soul to the devil
  8. Elton John always has his sounds, all of his songs are different but you reconized him. He has a long carreer and people always love his music. What you say it is like if Rammstein make a pop music album Mika is a pop artist not someone who normally make commercial dance and electro music, I'm sure that the songs at the piano are good but with electro it is s*** and all those boom boom give me headache (Love box festival was the Hell for me because of that ).
  9. As my sixth sense had predicted, I like only half of the album, that's why I'm not so shocked by the album, to me I concider this album as the worst Mika's one. The song The Origin of Love is a master piece and Underwater too, Lola is a really nice song like Kids, Celebrate is sympathetic. I'm not telling you in detail what I do not like in every song because it might be long, I summarize by too much electro-dance music that spoils probably beautiful songs. For example I think "Overrated" was slain, the demo version is so pure and beautiful that why it is a disaster in making of it a dance song without any emotions. The only thing I have to said it's that if an artist really wants to have a long carreer he must have his proper sounds, his proper musical identity which must be something timeless.
  10. I tried to be faithful to the wickedness of the text The critic has even invented a word "pétasserie" in french is "putassier" a terme use to say that something is sensationalist and unworthy.
  11. The magazine Têtu since 2007 thinks that Relax by Mika is like Relax by Frankie Goes to Hollywood an ode to s****y
  12. "5 years already that the golden boy of pop - out recently - panics the charts with his hits bubblegum trend "île aux enfants" on acid. He's back with a third album eyeing towards a sounds more club, The Origin of Love. Then we take the Mika or it's too stodgy? GLITTER AND BE GAY 5 years ago arose in the first place of the charts, Mika, a young English twig of Lebanese origin, which borrowed many musical cabaret, glitter to Elton John to Frankie Goes To Hollywood with his words way "Relax, take it easy" exchangeable against two bottles of poppers. Two albums later the prodigal twink is back with "The Origin of Love". Mika and likes to do her diva exploring the mirror ball its more colorful and pop. With its mix of disco balads , tornadoes dripping sensuality reference grandpa Elton incursions discrete Scissor Sister and the pure electro tornadoes, Mika decided to shade the greatest. Rather the greatest: Katy Perry, Adele, Rihanna, Britney, Madonna, George Michael take their grade. The whoring 2012 is masculine, you have been warned. What is this Gloubiboulga? One wonders to listen to the third album of Mika waited too long. The title The Origin of Love was yet promising, piano and bass slippery voice filtered and absurd texts: "Love is a drug, you're my cigarette, love is an addiction, you are my Nicorette dubbed" a "vochorale" crazy idea. Elsewhere, the album resembles the guest-list for an evening of celebrity failed: Pharrell Williams has the wrong address, Martin Solveig confirms that he is overestimated (Overrated) and country singer-pie Hillary Lindsey wrote the lyrics noodle year: "Step with Me", which promises a kiss and a wedding later. Finally, the flap Nick Littlemore (Empire of The Sun) is soft like a goiter. Single "Popular" and Priscilla Renea could save everything. The problem? Mika is still running after her first album. Alone. "
  13. It is about the album, it is a really bad review and very insulting for an artist
  14. Yes of course but it is the private part He tries to hide the person he is to protect him from others. He is not so confident as he looks, he is really sensitive.
  15. Thanks I'm going to an italian books and news paper store in Paris to buy one Not astonishing from Mika, he lies a lot but I think like all leo it is to beautify the reallity and to the center of attention.
  16. She's the journalist of the music part of the news paper Le Parisien, one of the biggest news papier in France:wink2:
  17. It is a compatition but you have to pay to enter in calling the radio, you are not sure to have a price and if you win all Mika's albums you cry because you have all Mika's albums all ready
  18. Lots of tickets are sold on this website http://m.stubhub.com/mobile/find/index.html#~eyJwYW5lSWQiOiJldmVudFBhbmUiLCJwYW5lU2V0dGluZ3MiOnsicXVlcnkiOnsiZXZlbnRJZCI6%0AIjQxMzA2ODgiLCJldmVudERpZ2VzdCI6eyJ2ZW51ZV9uYW1lIjoiV2Vic3RlciBIYWxsIiwiY2l0%0AeSI6Ik5ldyBZb3JrIiwic3RhdGUiOiJOWSIsImNhdCI6IkRhbmNlICYgZWxlY3Ryb25pY2EgfCBS%0Ab2NrLCBwb3AgJiBoaXAtaG9wIiwiZXZlbnROYW1lIjoiTWlrYSAoMTgrIEV2ZW50KSIsInF1YW50%0AaXR5U2VsZWN0ZWQiOjAsImRhdGVUaW1lIjoiTW9uLCBPY3QgMTUsIDIwMTIsIDc6MDBwLm0uIiwi%0AbWFwVXJsIjoiaHR0cDovL3Muc3R1Ymh1YnN0YXRpYy5jb20vZGF0YS92ZW51ZV9tYXBzLzEyNzY0%0AL3N0dWJodWJfMTQ1NzFfR0FfZ2VuZXJpYy5wbmciLCJjaGFubmVsIjoiY29uY2VydHMiLCJnZW9J%0AZCI6IjU2MSJ9LCJzdGFydCI6MCwibnJPZlJvd3MiOjEwMDB9fX0%3D
  19. Finaly Mika was confortable with his sexual orientation since years but hidding it when he had success and when his carreer go down he came out of the closet in a gay magazine to do a buzz no comment
  20. I received the mail mikasounds.com, shocked to discover that on the CD2 of the Deluxe version there's f***ing remix I hate electro and dance music Why there is no acoustic versions of songs such as the British edition
  21. All French fans saw a reference to Jesus, the golden spots remind the Crown of Thorns and the head turn on the right side remind me the Christ at the Column in Italian paintings of the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries. I find pretentious the album cover Something different ok but this cover no
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