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Everything posted by Sephira

  1. Love this idea and I love the result but Mika is a bad carot player
  2. We are complex beings either psychologically or biologically, things are not set in marble. Two of my male friends were a couple, they were both gay, but two years ago one of them fell in love with a woman he lives with her great love story since. He told me he always thought he was gay because he had always been attracted to men and never before by a woman, always had love affair with men. I was very upset because like many people I thought if you are homosexual you don't become heterosexual. He is very happy with this woman he is both physically and intellectually attracted by her. I asked myself with my other friend heartbroken questions I've been doing research on forums and in fact I found out it was not a unique case. The society is driving people to define themselves by their sexuality, a pressure is on all of us, by that I do not mean feminine or masculine but by who we are physically attracted to men or women, with whom one has sex or not. I'm not sure this is very healthy because the identity of a person is defined by his origins and history (education, familly, friends, religion, social level,...) but not by his sexuality. (The case of transsexuals is different because there is a question of a man or women is a phenomenon of gene mutation.) Things may be far less immutable than we think and our desire to want to put labels on everyone to define each other may be the worst invention. Do not kill me I don't speak about Mika I could imagine the psychodrama on MFC if he fall in love with a woman in the futur
  3. @Christine my poor computer nearly died with the programme you post It stopped 2 times I erase the programme and repair all things :thumb_yello:I don't know what happened because all my friend had no problem with this programme
  4. I found the picture on twitter but I'm little afraid that is a private one
  5. I tried different proxy no one works for https://www.youtube.com/london2012?feature=inp-bl-rtg Friends of mine from France and Portugal tried and it is the same result it doesn't work
  6. I saw a lot of unpleasant comments about bisexuality, saying that it does not exist that is an excuse for not wanting homosexuals to their coming out as gay. And those added "bi now gay tomorrow". I found it shocking and more shocking is that people who wrote these things were on a community blog BGLT:doh:
  7. I think my English is not good enough to express my thinking because it's not what I meant You can not come and tell people to be tolerant. We have to convince people by educating them and talking. We are not living a dictatorship nonetheless. Suzie there is not 1 billion of homosexuals in this world nothing will change with outing of few millions or less and we can not push people to reach out to others to understand them if they are afraid of them. Coming out is something good if some gay people feel the need to have models and not feel alone in the world. I could give the example of Jews in Europe in the late 19th century until World War II. They were numerous and a strong community but it has not made people more tolerant towards them. What I am unfortunately certain is that human stupidity is infinite I do not have the same view of the world and things that most people, when I talk to someone I do not judge the person I do not see that person through his skin color, its social, its religion or sexual orientation. Sorry if my point of view is difficulte to understand
  8. You see things in that way as a tolerant person but if you aren't seriously you don't want to speak to a gay or have gay friends You must put yourself in the shoes of someone who is not tolerant to understand his point of view and know how to act and how to advance tolerance. It's not a matter of learning from books but to fight ignorance in a neutral way with a neutral point of view with people not pro anything that explain what homosexuality where it comes from that this is not an illness or a perversion and answer questions askes by young and old. Out now that nothing is done to the people themselves should come forward to seek to understand but they are intolerant persons who will not do this step, you must go to them but not in a sudden way by trying to impose your thinking.
  9. I don't know what is the english expression for "mère porteuse" that's why I used the word mother only
  10. I think we have to open a new thread "who wants to be the mother of the children of Mika?"
  11. he can not already care for a dog because he is still touring, studio and interview, a child takes a lot of attention and sacrifice Who going to take care of this child Mika's mum May be someone could have a baby with Mika
  12. It is normal to deal with troubled youth who are victims of homophobia but to get things must change attitudes, it is the majority of people that should be informed about the homosexuality in the fight against homophobia for people to stop thinking that this is a disease or depravity. We have to inform people by sciences because it is something more difficult to reject. So this will allow people to be gay to not feel as strange animals, reduce homophobia and the way people in general see homosexuality. In Europe there are campaigns with a phone number for gay youth and their parents to inform them and if they have become victims of homophobia. But nothing is done to school for biology classes where is sexual education class in France to explain homosexuality. I think it's a big gap in education.
  13. For conclusion, in my opinion this is by educating that we fight ignorance and prejudice and in living with each other and not in communities , but I do not think coming out of celebrities or artists is a necessity to fight against homophobia because someone homophobic tells you that is still yet another artist who made ​​his coming out. So he will not learn anything continue to think that being gay is a disease or depravity I can understand this century where it is normal to display your private life and intimacy in public place I come from another planet sorry
  14. In France we have more that 25 articles about Mika coming out makes with just 2 sentences of Mika
  15. The one with the bull is in one Cyclades islands. I know there is others paintings without bull because for soldiers it was an initiatic passage to have sexual relation with a man but it wasn't a real homosexuality. All greeks soldiers wasn't gay
  16. Sex between men wasn't prohibited but not tolerated, you have painting of Ancient Greece with men trying to have sex together and a bull charging for killing or separate them.
  17. I have not been raised Catholic, I live in a country of Christian culture even if it is considered secular. I became a Catholic I have not been in catechism when I was a child but like many children I was wondering how this or that done, or more complex things like the soul. I found many answers in science programs that were normally for older people. But I had this feeling in me that something greater than I was, it wasn't a need that God exists but the fact of his existence felt. Anyway we can not prove God's existence or non existence so peace and love I love history of civilizations, it is really interesting and teach us what it is that homosexuality as a term and definition do not exist before the mid-nineteenth century. In ancient civilizations before and after the arrival of monotheism sexual orientation does not exist because in fact what we define today as homosexuality was in those times of minor cases and represented less than one percent of the population . This was especially sex between men who were seen with suspicion because thereby they lost their semances for non-procreative. Sex between women were much better tolerated. In the Old and New Testaments is not the fact of loving someone of the same sex is seen as a sin but the act of sex between men (I do not have the right to write the exact word on the forum but I hope you know what I mean ). I enjoy reading the Bible because it is made of ancient texts, but to understand them one must put themselves in the context of the times what they were writing. It made ​​me sorry for Mika is when I saw his picture in response to the question "Where will you be in five years?", he represented himself in the underworld. It hurt me not because I think it will go to Hell (he is not too sweet for that ) but because he seems to think he will go to Hell
  18. A matter of love...what love is? Falling in love it is a matter of hormones and sexual attraction but you could love someone without being attract sexually by this person it is more a matter of intellectual attraction this is what Platon explain in The Banquet, the Republic and Phedre. A gay boy can love a girl but can't be sexually attract by her.
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