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Everything posted by Mlx

  1. I agree with you and I have no regret for all the time which we spent to vote for him
  2. Non, pas vraiment facile et surtout je ne me sens pas le courage de le faire et même si je n'y crois pas vraiment, je préfère penser qu'il viendra un jour ici, ne serait-ce qu'une fois pour un concert et pas seulement pour des vacances Je l'espère aussi, merci
  3. If the competition is really ended, they have to remove the number 1 of this month We saw him enough
  4. I made a capture from a video, but I don't remember which one Maybe it's from Mika's vlog when he was in LA?
  5. I think that the competition is ended for some countries, but we can continue to vote,it will be counted for the next month
  6. Toutes ces dates que vous prévoyez de faire ça me laisse rêveuse... Je vais vraiment commencer à croire que Mika est une drogue douce, et qu'elle (il?)devrait être remboursé par la sécurité sociale Et je ne suis pas jalouse, pas du tout! Je suis ravie pour vous
  7. YEAH He is still number two It says the competition is closed but I can vote again
  8. Voted That is going to be hard, good luck to all I go away to work
  9. 15992 Only 120 votes ahead, it isn't really enough , I'm afraid for this night
  10. I hope that we'll have no unpleasant surprise tomorrow, everything can change again
  11. They have the habit to wake up at night, we have to pay attention 15900
  12. Merci à toutes celles qui ont voté Mika est 2ème maintenant
  13. Maybe next month it's Mika who will be on this place Let's hope for it
  14. Ohhh I cannot vote now! They say "Proxy Error" Edit: It works again 15217
  15. Good night Laura and don't worry, we are here for a moment
  16. You're right, at the end of the month , so after tomorrow
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